8 Common Twinkly Strings LED Lights Problems Troubleshooting

common Twinkly Strings LED lights problems troubleshooting
common Twinkly Strings LED lights problems troubleshooting

Twinkly Strings’ LED lights are a perfect option for people who need some blingy lights for special occasions, such as weddings and Christmas.

It can be set up with the help of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth within a few seconds. In addition, there is a free Twinkly app that can be used to control the lights.

Twinkly Strings’ LED lights are waterproof, which is why they can be installed outdoors and indoors.

The lights can be programmed to turn on or off at specific times, and you can also mix and match colors to create your own.

Common Twinkly Strings LED Lights Problems Troubleshooting

These string lights can be activated and controlled with the help of voice assistants, including Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, and Google Assistant.

So, if you want to purchase these string LED lights, it’s recommended that you read about common Twinkly Strings LED lights problems troubleshooting, as it helps fix the common issues timely!

  1. One Light String Is Out

If you have installed and connected the string lights, but one light string is completely out, we recommend that you access that string’s end and take out the first bulb.


As a result, you will see two wires, and you have to touch the multimeter’s probe with the wire (make sure you touch only one wire to the probe).

If the multimeter shows low voltage, it means that the bulb is damaged. So, depending on the rating, you should install a new bulb.

Keep in mind that a zero reading indicates a working bulb, while non-zero reading hints toward a malfunction.

You have to follow the same process with all bulbs on the string and get them replaced if they are damaged – the new bulbs are easily available at electricity stores.

  1. The Lights Get Brighter Automatically

Twinkly Strings allow the users to adjust the intensity of the brightness of the lights. However, if the lights are getting brighter automatically, it’s likely a current-related issue.


This is because if more current starts passing through the filament, it gets extremely hot, which results in a brighter intensity. It can also result in the failure of the bulbs.

So, when this happens, you should turn off the lights immediately and check the voltage on the main power board. If the voltage is higher than 220V, it means that high voltage caused the issue.

Unfortunately, you cannot stabilize or adjust the voltage on your own, which is why we recommend that you hire an electrician to repair the wires or just contact the electricity provider.

  1. Half Of The Light String Is Blinking

If half of your light string is blinking, it is likely that a flashy bulb was installed into the string, and you have to get it replaced (you have to identify the flashing bulb and get it replaced).

mobile app

However, before you replace the bulb, make sure you check the string light’s setting because you might have enabled the flash mode.

So, check the settings from the app and disable this mode.

  1. The Lights Keep Turning Off Intermittently

The most common reason behind lights turning off intermittently is the damaged bulb. Checking all the bulbs on the string one by one is a long process, but it’s the only solution.

For this purpose, you must isolate each bulb on the string light and check its continuity with a multimeter.

off button

If any of the bulbs have a non-zero reading on the multimeter, it should be immediately replaced.

Keep in mind that new bulbs must be compatible with the previous bulbs that you have used (you can take the damaged bulb to the electrician and ask him for the same brand and rating).

  1. The Light Strings Are Half Out

If the light strings are half out and half of them are working, it means that there is something wrong with the power connection – a spotty connection is to be blamed. So, look for the following solutions;

Circuit Breaker

circuit breaker

In most cases, people install the string lights in two different sockets to prevent voltage fluctuations. So, if you’ve done the same and light strings are half out, it means that a circuit breaker is flipped.

The circuit breaker flips when there is an electrical overload – it happens when more electricity demand is applied to the socket as compared to what it can handle.

If you want to check the circuit breaker, we recommend plugging the string lights into the power outlet and resetting your circuit breaker.

For this purpose, you must locate the respective circuit breaker from the circuit panel. When you locate the circuit breaker, see if it’s tripped. If yes, you have to flip it on.

Also, to prevent this issue, you should make sure that the circuit breaker of the string light is aligned with others.



If the circuit breaker wasn’t tripped, but half of the string lights are still out, it is likely that the fuse is blown. The replacement fuses are readily available at electricity stores.

The most common symptom of a blown fuse is a blackened appearance. So, if the fuse is black, it should be replaced to optimize power connectivity.

For this purpose, you’ve to open the plug’s back and take out the blackened fuse with the help of an eyeglass screwdriver. Once they are out, install the new fuses.

However, if the fuse in some string lights keeps blowing, it means that the strand is damaged and should be replaced.

Burnt-Out Bulbs

bulb installation

In case the fuse isn’t the issue, there are high chances that some of the bulbs are damaged. We recommend that you look for broken, damaged, or frayed bulbs.

When you locate any such bulbs, they should be replaced with new ones. Keep in mind that the new bulbs must have a similar voltage rating.

Also, you should avoid tangling the strings because it can damage the bulbs.

Keep in mind that burnt-out bulbs should be replaced as soon as possible because if you keep them on the string light, it will put more stress on functional lights, which shortens their lifespan as well.

  1. String Lights Aren’t Turning On At All

If the string lights on at all when you press the power button, it usually indicates the power issue. For this reason, you should consider the following points;

Coaxial Adapter

Coaxial Adapter

A coaxial adapter is integrated with a fuse and works as a breaker in the home. Whenever there is a power surge, the fuse blows out to cut the power’s overflow – it helps prevent further damage.

For this reason, we recommend that you check the fuse and replace it immediately if they have visible marks and a blackened surface.

On the other hand, if replacing the fuse doesn’t work, the entire coaxial adapter should be replaced.

Copper Wiring

If changing the coaxial adapter doesn’t work, we recommend that you inspect the string lights for uncovered wires. This is because the exposed copper wire can result in power issues.

This is because the exposed copper wires will be vulnerable to moisture, hence the issue. So, if the wiring is exposed, it must be replaced immediately.



On every string light, there are rectifiers at the end, middle, and beginning of the string – these rectifiers are responsible for joining parallel circuits.

Unfortunately, the rectifiers can degrade over the course of time. So, if copper wiring and adapter aren’t the issues, you should replace the rectifiers.

However, before you follow the extensive troubleshooting guide, we recommend that you check the power cord that connects the lights to the power source and make sure it’s plugged in. Also, the power button must be turned on.

  1. Lights Not Turning On After Snowfall

Since Twinkly Strings lights are suitable for outdoor use, many people use them for Christmas and wedding décor.

However, if the lights have stopped working after snowfall or rainfall, the reason is moisture.

Keep in mind that exposure to moisture can cause extreme damage to the lights. Unfortunately, the moisture-based damage is not repairable, and you’ve to get the lights replaced.

To prevent this issue from happening again, you should raise the light connections off the ground – make sure they are raised four inches to six inches, as it helps minimize the damage.

  1. Not Responding To Voice Commands

voice command

The string lights can be controlled and adjusted with the help of voice commands – it is compatible with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit.

However, if the lights have stopped responding to the voice commands, we recommend that you turn off the lights for a few minutes and try using the voice commands again.

In case rebooting the lights doesn’t work, you must check the batteries in your voice assistant because a low battery will impact the signal connectivity.

Also, it’s better to purchase rechargeable batteries as you won’t have to install new batteries again and again.

The Bottom Line

The string lights are a great addition to every household as they are easy to use. With this troubleshooting guide, you will be able to fix the minor errors in the string lights on your own.

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