How Much Bandwidth Does Amazon Echo Use?

How Much Bandwidth Does Amazon Echo Use
How Much Bandwidth Does Amazon Echo Use

Amazon Echo is a smart home hub and a speaker that we cannot essentially imagine life without once we get used to it. It basically allows us to not only have voice control over all the smart appliances that we have in our home but it can also be your personal assistant reminding you of your personal appointments, preparing you for weather alerts, play the right music for you, and a lot more.

How Much Bandwidth Does Amazon Echo Use

Although it is a necessity in modern times, some of you might be concerned about how much bandwidth an Amazon Echo would use of your monthly data plan. To make it clear, here is what you need to know.

Factors that decide the consumption

Before you know how much bandwidth does Amazon Echo use, you need to understand the factors that make the consumption. Based on tall these factors, you can not only ensure that you are controlling your bandwidth usage, but you can also calculate it perfectly based on the factors.

1. Idle condition

The Amazon Echo devices are connected round the clock with your internet connection so you might be concerned it will also consume your bandwidth if you are on the metered connection. But the best thing is, if your device is idle at all times it will not consume any significant amount of data.

You will hardly be using 5MB of data over 24 hours course of the device and that is close to nothing. You don’t have to worry about your Amazon Echo device being connected over the internet all the time.

2. Audio Streaming

Audio streaming is something that we would like through different occasions and not all day. It will be consuming some data but that is something you can live with. An average song would consume around 10 MBs of your data if you stream the complete song over the internet. It is not much but can accumulate to something more if you stream the music regularly.

On average, an hour of streaming the music can cost you around 100 MBs so that is something you need to be careful about.

3. Some Commands

A single command would not take any significant amount of data. Usually, a single command takes only a few KBs so that is nothing that you need to worry about. Anytime you ask a question to Alexa, it will also take up a minimal amount of data that you can live with.

4. Updates

This is something that would consume a considerable amount of data. Alexa is connected over the internet round the clock and downloads updates regularly. These software updates will cost you a few hundred MBs but since these updates are not frequent, there is nothing to be worried about.

Average Consumption

Over some normal usage such as 20 questions and commands a day, an hour of audio streaming daily, all the updates, and is connected over the internet throughout the day, you will not be using over 1.5-1.8 GBs of data.

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