How To Make Space Heater Turns On At A Certain Time?

Space Heater That Turns On At A Certain Time
Space Heater That Turns On At A Certain Time

Space Heater

Space heater, unlike its counterparts, is used to heat small spaces. When you’re buying a space heater you also look for how much space the space heater will warm up. A space heater can be an electric-powered space heater. Other space heaters use propane, wood pellets, fuel oil, or natural gas.

Space Heater That Turns On At A Certain Time

If you’re a fan of home automation or your home is already fully automated, no matter which, you will still want to know how to get your space heater to turn on/off at a certain time.

There are a few things you’ll have to take care of before you automate your space heater.

  • The first and most essential thing is having an electric space heater.
  • You will need an electric space heater that has essential safety features built into it. For example, your electric heater should have a thermostat that shuts it off when the temperature gets above a certain level. Your electric space heater should also have a safety feature that cuts off the heat immediately after it’s knocked face down on your living room mat.
  • You will need a smart plug that can handle the amount of power your electric space heater needs. The smart switch must also be a fairly good quality smart switch, you will want to maintain peak safety levels when dealing with an electric space heater.

If your space heater meets all the safety requirements and you have a good quality smart switch, you can follow these steps to automate a Vornado Vortex VH10 space heater with a TP-Link HS100 Smart Wi-Fi plug:

  • Plug your TP-Link HS100 into an electrical outlet.
  • If your electric space heater has a timer, make sure to turn it off.
  • Go into the App Store/Play Store and download the Kasa Smart app.
  • Open the Kasa Smart application on your mobile phone.
  • After opening the Kasa application, you will set up a new device because your TP-Link HS100 is not yet registered.
  • Go into add device and from the list of options select Smart Plug.
  • Within Smart Plug, you will see a list of options that asks you to select the model of your device. Select TP-Link HS100 to proceed.
  • Selecting your model will open up the tutorial page where the app will ask you to plug your TP-Link HS100 into a socket.
  • Pressing next will show the second step where the app will ask you to check the TP-Link HS100 Wi-Fi lights.
  • Pressing next will start the pairing process as your Kasa app will connect your smart plug to the internet.
  • Set the TP-Link HS100 device name to whatever you like. Make sure to name it something easy to pronounce.
  • After naming, the Kasa application will ask you to pick an icon, pick a suitable icon.
  • After picking the icon you will have paired your smart switch successfully.
  • Once again go into devices and hit the ON button. The space heater will turn on if the pairing is done correctly.
  • Within Devices, click on your space heater. This will open your smart switch’s customization menu.
  • Select the timer option and set the time to whatever you want.

2 thoughts on “How To Make Space Heater Turns On At A Certain Time?”

  1. I did all of that, but my space heater has a fancy control and when it turns off, it does not turn on again until you click on the remote. It does not have a switch when you can leave it on all the time. When you change the heater to off, that is the last command it had, so unless I manually click on, it will not turn on.

  2. This doesn’t work. Or I haven’t figured out how to make it work. Most modern space heaters come with a manual reset safety feature. Which means that as soon as the power goes out, you have to manually turn it on again. This kinda defeats the point of a smart outlet. Any ideas?


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