3 Ways To Fix Roomba 980 Not Charging

roomba 980 not charging
roomba 980 not charging

The Roomba 980 has a round design, because of the round design it can be a bit challenging for the robot to clean the corners efficiently. That is why some users prefer to buy D-shaped robots from Neato.

However, the newer variants are getting more and more efficient and users are not that concerned about the little dirt that is left behind by the Roomba 980.

If you browse the online forums for a few minutes, you will notice that customers are repeatedly complaining about their Roomba 980 not charging. Usually, you can get around this issue by following these steps.

How to Fix Roomba 980 Not Charging?

  1. Clean Contact Points

Almost every single time the customers complain about their Roomba 980 not charging, it is related to the dirty contact points on their cleaning robot. So, if you don’t clean your robot often then you are likely having charging issues for the same reason.

Luckily, you can just clean the contact points on the robot and everything will start working perfectly. It is recommended by users that you clean your Roomba once every two days. If you ignore this instruction then you will keep running into issues with your cleaning robot.

After repeating cleaning cycles, a lot of dirt can gather on the contact points as well as the cleaning brushes of your Roomba. As the Roomba gets dirtier, its efficiency will start decreasing and you won’t be able to get the same results from your cleaning robot. It only takes a few minutes to clean the robot that can be managed quite easily even in a busy routine.

  1. Check the power outlet

If the Roomba is still not picking up charge after cleaning the robot thoroughly then now might be time to switch the power outlet that you’re using. There is a possibility that the Roomba is not picking up enough charge from the circuit.

Many issues like wiring problems in your home can cause your devices to run into charging issues. So, make sure that the outlet is working properly by using measuring tools to check the output. You can have an electrician take a look at your wiring if the output is below the recommended limit.

  1. Re-Install Batteries

According to the support members if you are experiencing this issue after buying the robot recently, then you can get the issue fixed by removing the batteries from the cleaning robot and installing them again.

You can access the battery compartment by opening up the bottom cover. However, if you have been using the Roomba for a long time then now might be time to get a replacement for the battery. Search on Amazon for the compatible battery replacement and then install it in your Roomba to take care of the charging issue.

If you still can’t seem to figure out the problem and your Roomba won’t charge even after going through all the troubleshooting steps that you can find on the internet then ask customer support to help you fix the Roomba. You can also demand replacement if your device is faulty.

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