What is a Smart Garage Door Opener?

What is a Smart Garage Door Opener
What is a Smart Garage Door Opener

Smart garage door openers are easy to install and use in all homes. What’s more, these smart gadgets have a wide range of special features that can be remotely controlled from your smartphone. The smart garage door openers are integrated with the electronic mechanism of your garage doors, which allows you to open or shut the door without coming out of your car or home.

What is a Smart Garage Door Opener?

Smart garage door openers are also necessary because they can be used to monitor your garage to ensure it is securely locked at all times.

Who needs a smart garage door opener?

Garages in every home are used daily. These spaces provide a secure place to park your cars and keep them protected from dust, snow, or thieves. Smart garage doors also ensure rodents or stray animals don’t come into your garage looking for shelter.

You can find smart garage doors installed in properties such as private and public residences, rental properties and vacation spots where people can rent temporary apartments during their stay.

Previously, you would need to come out of your car to manually open or close your garage doors. The smart garage doors now offer a convenience that has been widely accepted. These smart gadgets are also very easy to use; this is why they have become popular in the markets.

How do smart garage door openers work?

Most smart garage doors do not require wiring; however, you can buy such models and get a technician to connect the device to your power source. The device is usually mounted close to the garage door using screws. If you have bought a smart garage door with cameras for monitoring the area, you can also find a suitable position to mount the device so you can have a clear view.

After mounting the device, the smart garage door controller is connected via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. You can then install the mobile app and access the smart garage door controllers’ settings with your smartphone. When you send a command to shut or open the garage door, the controller executes this command through the garage doors electronic system, activating the mechanism to open or shut the garage door.

Smart garage door openers can also be integrated with your smart home systems and controlled by using smart voice assistants such as Google home and Alexa. Smart garage door controllers can also be operated via Bluetooth; however, the controls can only be done when you are close to your garage door because of the short Bluetooth range.

For the safety of everyone, before the garage door opens or shuts, an alert is sounded so people around the area can step away to avoid injury. The doors open and shut normally and only work when a command has been given. This means, there will be a mechanical action only when you open or shut the garage door via your app or virtual assistants, so there is no scare of an accident such as the garage door shutting too quickly before you can drive and park properly.

Smart garage door openers can be controlled with both the Android and iOS smartphones.

Integration with smart home hubs

For an added convenience, you can also integrate the smart garage door controller with your smart home hub. This means you can control the smart garage door controller and all other smart gadgets in your home by using only one central mobile application. This is very convenient.

Advantages of the smart garage door opener

The highest selling point of these devices is the convenience they offer. Imagine the stress older adults will go through to open or shut their garage doors any time they need to drive their cars. Here are some top benefits of using these devices in your home.

Integration with smart home systems

You can find smart garage door openers that can be integrated with your central smart home system. This possibility makes it easier to control the features effortlessly.

Remote control from any location

The mobile apps for smart garage door controllers make it possible for you to control your garage doors from any part of the world. All you need is an internet connection. The smart controllers that feature surveillance cameras also give you an opportunity to monitor your cars remotely.

Real-time notifications

You will receive real-time notifications regarding the functionality of your smart garage door controllers. This is an added security feature that lets you know if there has been a breach in your property via the garage door.

Here are some tips to guide you when choosing a smart garage door opener


Having a smart garage door opener that is compatible with your smart home hub is very convenient. You should check the model you want to buy and ensure it can be integrated with your central smart control systems.

Multiple users

Some garage door controllers allow you to offer administrative privileges to multiple users. This means other members of your family can use the smart garage door opener in your absence. You can also check if it allows you to give people remote access to your garage even if you are at the office or away on vacation.

Easy installation

The options regarding installation vary. You may need to do some wiring or use batteries. However, it is best if you choose the simple ‘plug and play’ smart garage door controllers.

Camera support

If you plan to use the video surveillance systems ensure the smart garage door opener you buy has camera support features.

Noiseless operation

To avoid annoying mechanical sounds any time you need to open or shut your garage doors, you should find out if the smart door controller operates without making disruptive noise.

Customizable features

Some of these smart gadgets also allow you to set customizable features which make it easier to control your smart garage doors.

Some of the common brands of smart garage door openers you will find in the market include Chamberlain MyQ Garage, Gogogate 2, Garageio, and other cool brands.

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