6 Methods To Solve WeMo Cloud Service Has Drifted Away

wemo cloud service has drifted away
wemo cloud service has drifted away

While WeMo plugs are known for their consistent performance, many owners have been complaining about issues with the cloud service. The smart plugs stop responding to all commands, and the app presents a message that “our cloud service has drifted away for a minute.” This error message is usually addressed within a few hours, but there have been cases where owners had to discard their smart plugs.

If you’re in the same situation with WeMo and the smart plugs are not responding to your input, then there are still a few things you can do to get the plug working again. Here is a list of possible fixes that might help you solve the cloud service issue.

Fixing WeMo Cloud Service Has Drifted Away

  1. Verify Your Wi-Fi Network

The home network is the first thing that you need to check when you get the error that the cloud service has drifted away. It would help to go through a few basic fixes, like rebooting the router and bringing it closer to the smart plug. Make sure that there is minimal interference, and other wireless devices should be turned off temporarily.

Once that is done, try power cycling your WeMo smart plug as well, and then open up the WeMo app. Hopefully, the plug controls will start showing up on the app, and you won’t get the cloud service error.

  1. Clear Application Cache

Resetting the application by cleaning the stored cache will help address minor issues with the application. So, open up the application settings through the notification shade and then navigate to the WeMo application. Click on the storage options within the application information, and proceed to clear the stored cache.

You should also browse the Play Store or App Store for possible updates. An outdated application can also cause a cloud service error, and if you’ve not updated the WeMo application in a while, you’re likely in the same situation.

  1. Hard Reboot Your Phone

According to the customer support experts, you should also try to hard reboot your mobile device after removing the application from your phone. Once the phone boots back up, you can install the application again and then log into your WeMo application. If there are no issues with the OS on your mobile device, the application should start working at this point.

  1. Re-add Smart Plug

Some owners also mentioned that they had to remove the smart plug from their ecosystem and then add it again to get everything in order. This will take a bit of your time, but if you’ve not been successful with the troubleshooting process up to this point, then removing the smart plug from your smart system should be your next move.

  1. Switch Network In Application

You can further connect with the smart plug before opening up the application by using the Wi-Fi services on your phone. Once the mobile device is connected with the smart plug, you can refresh the application cache and then open up the WeMo application. If the mobile is already connected to the smart plug, you won’t have to deal with the same cloud service issue, and the controls will start showing up on your mobile screen.

Many users also pointed out that you can switch networks while the application is still open. So, you should cycle through the smart plug network with the application open as well to check if the cloud service error gets fixed after switching networks.

  1. Reset WeMo Plug

At this stage, just proceed with resetting the WeMo smart plug to factory settings. This will help you address all programming bugs with the smart plug, and you will be able to connect it back to the application after the reset. If there are no issues with the smart plug hardware and the servers are functioning properly, then the problem will be addressed at this point.

There is a chance that you’re just dealing with a temporary server bug, and before you reset the smart plug, it is just better to wait for a few hours. Most often than not, the application will connect to the smart plug by itself. So, be patient and wait out the error while also informing customer support about this issue.

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