6 Ways To Fix Smonet NVR Mode Not Supported

Smonet NVR Mode Not Supported
Smonet NVR Mode Not Supported

The Smonet Camera might be pretty reliable, but that configuration can be a bit annoying at times. You’ll see a ton of customers complaining about issues with the NVR mode not working properly. Other than that, this unit is pretty durable and offers consistent performance to the owners. So, if you don’t mind spending a few hours setting up the camera, going with Smonet units is not a bad choice.

On the other hand, if you can’t seem to get past error codes mentioning that Smonet NVR mode is not supported, going through some of these troubleshooting steps will help you with the camera. Hopefully, you won’t have to get the unit replaced, and it will start working after you follow this guide.

Smonet NVR Mode Not Supported

  1. Replace Cable

Replacing the cable should be your first move as poor-quality cables are the biggest reason why you might run into this error. Even if the cable is in good shape, that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy a secure connection with the monitoring unit.

So, for this reason, you need to source high-quality cables that will work with your local system. There is no point in going cheap as the high-quality cables will last you almost ten times as long as compared with sub-par products.

  1. Power Cycle Your Unit

Sometimes, the fix to issues with the NVR mode not being supported is as simple as power cycling the device. So, you need to remove all power from the unit for a few minutes and then turn it back on. At this point, you can try to switch to the NVR mode one more time, and if there are no issues with the display resolution, the NVR mode should work perfectly.

  1. Reboot Your Router Once

Rebooting the router also has a role to play when you’re dealing with connectivity bugs. So, there is no harm in quickly rebooting the router and then reconnecting the ethernet cable with your main device before trying to access the NVR mode. This bug is pretty uncommon, and a quick reboot should get everything in order.

  1. Try Changing Resolutions

The biggest reason why you might be struggling with the NVR mode is incorrect resolution. So, you need to access the system settings and then head over to the display section to update the resolution. Most users recommend that you stick to 1280 x 1024 and then save and apply this new resolution. Once that is done, you should quickly power cycle the monitor once and then try accessing NVR mode one more time.

For the majority of users, the issue was fixed after updating the resolution. So, if you’re sure that the unit is not in rough condition and you’re using the right type of cables, then you won’t have to deal with further compilations.

  1. Reset Smonet Unit

On the other hand, if the unit doesn’t respond to the NVR mode even after going through all of these solutions, then you need to reset the unit back to factory settings. It will wipe all the stored configurations, and you’ll have to pair up the main Smonet system from scratch. So, keep that in mind and spare some extra time to pair up all of your security units with the monitor.

However, if there are no hardware-related issues with the cameras and the NVR mode problem is only related to software issues, a factory reset will get everything in order. So, just reset the Smonet device and then check the response from your display as you try to switch to NVR mode.

  1. Contact Smonet Support

At this stage, you should just call it a day and call the customer support members. There is a good chance that your unit is defective, and you need help from the official support to help with the Smonet NVR mode not working. They will help you through the issue after you explain the situation and inform them of your device models.

Once the exact issue is identified, it will become much easier to isolate and fix the issue. So, make sure to save up your time and seek help from professionals. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting a ton of your time trying to get the Smonet NVR mode working again without any success.

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