6 Things To Do If Shark Ion Is Not Charging

shark ion not charging
shark ion not charging

The Shark ION is a solid vacuum cleaner robot that you can use to clean your smart house. Designed specifically to help clear out debris on any kind of surface, it is quite a popular option that you can go for.

But still, these devices can sometimes run into problems depending on how they are being used. Speaking of which, we have seen a lot of users run into a particular problem where their Shark ION robot is not charging. In case you have also found yourself with the same issue, then here are some things to know!

Shark ION Not Charging

  1. Checking the Power Source

If you notice your device not charging at all, then the first thing that you should check is the power source. More specifically, you will have to check whether the power outlet is connected to its place.

It could be that you have the charging dock connected to a faulty power outlet. Though if that is the case, then you will have to test out the outlet. You can try connecting any other electrical appliance to the outlet. Similarly, you can also try connecting your charging dock to any other power source.

  1. Robot Might Be Turned Off

An important thing to know about these smart robots is that they need to be turned on before they are able to charge themselves. Because most users don’t know this, we have noticed how pretty much everyone who was facing charging issues with the device had their robot turned off.

So, we highly recommend that you check your smart robot and make sure that it is switched on. The power button should be located on the side of the robot.

  1. Cleaning the Charging Contacts

Another reason why your robot might not be charging could be because of dirty charging contacts. Make sure that you clean both the robot’s charging contact as well as the charging dock. Over time, debris can accumulate on the contacts which may end up causing issues.

To effectively clean these, you can try using any clean piece of cloth or alcohol wipes that should help eliminate dirt particles.

  1. Inspect the Vacuum

Once you have made sure to clean the vacuum robot, if you are still facing difficulties during the charging process, then the next thing that you should check is the vacuum itself. Test the vacuum for any possible thing that might be out of place.

Also, make sure that you are properly seating the robot on top of the charging dock. It is possible that the vacuum might not be fully docked. Try slighting changing the position of your robot as it should start working again.

  1. Faulty Batteries

Any issues with your batteries could be the reason for the dock not being able to charge your device. In such cases, the only thing that you can do is to get the battery completely replaced. We’re afraid that there really isn’t any way to repair a battery.

So, do make sure that you get supported batteries for your vacuum robot. Once you do, your device should start charging again.

  1. Hardware Fault

If the issue’s still there, then you could be facing some sort of hardware fault. If that is the case, then you will have to fully replace your device. At this point, you have tried pretty much everything, which only leaves the possibility of having a broken device.

However, if you don’t want to go for a full replacement just now, you can try getting your devices checked by calling in a professional.

The Bottom Line:

If you are struggling with your Shark ION device not charging, then you can try following the instructions that we have mentioned above. As a last resort, you can try referring to customer support as they should be able to give you further advice about what you should do. Just make sure that you answer to any queries that they might have regarding your problem.

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