5 Methods For Resolving Hunter Fan Wall Switch Not Working

hunter fan wall switch not working
hunter fan wall switch not working

A wall switch is one of the most common ways through which you will turn on your ceiling fan. However, there can be certain occasions when you will notice your wall switch suddenly acting up. Talking about this, if you own a Hunter fan, chances are that you might have experienced issues with the wall switch.

This is why today; we will be taking a look at a few ways through which you can easily fix the Hunter Fan wall switch not working. So, without wasting any time further, let’s get right into it!

How to Fix Hunter Fan Wall Switch Not Working?

  1. Loose Wiring

One of the most common culprits behind issues like your ceiling fan acting up could be loose wiring. So, if you are facing any such issues, we highly recommend that you start by checking the wires. Do keep in mind that you will have to inspect both the switch wiring as well the wiring installed on your ceiling fans.

However, before you do anything, we strongly advise that you turn off the power from the circuit breaker. This way, you can safely deal with the wires. Once you open the wall switch, make sure that every screw inside has a black wire wrapped around it.

Similarly, you should notice a black wire which should be connected to your ceiling fan. In case the connection on this wire is loose, you will face problems while trying to turn on the fan using the switch.

  1. Checking Power Source

Apart from the loose wiring, another thing that you should check is the power source. There’s a good chance that your switch might not be getting the required power to turn on the ceiling fan. We suggest that you start with the control panel and make sure there isn’t a flipped switch.

Once you have inspected the control panel, you can also check continuity in your wires. If you do get proper readings, then there shouldn’t anything wrong with your power source.

  1. Getting it Checked

In case you are having a hard time performing the inspection on your end, then you can get in touch with a professional technician. Let him know about the issue with the wall switch, as he should test out every possible component and look for what might be causing trouble.

Similarly, after the inspection, he should be able to perform repairs accordingly.

  1. Contacting Support

Alternatively, you can also try referring to customer support. While contacting the team, we recommend that you mention everything that you know about the issue that you are facing along with the things that you have already tried.

The support team should get back to you soon and suggest further advice on what you should do. Just make sure to be as cooperative as you possibly can while a professional from the team handles your case.

  1. Faulty Switch

If you have tried pretty much everything but are still facing the same issue, then it is likely that you have a faulty switch. If that is the case, then you will have to get a complete replacement. Unfortunately, purchasing a brand-new switch for your Hunter ceiling fan is bound to cost you a few bucks.

So, make sure that you have tried all the other troubleshooting steps that we have mentioned above. Also, do make sure that you get a fully compatible wall switch that supports your ceiling fan.

The Bottom Line:

Is your Wall switch not working with your Hunter ceiling fan? Most of the time, the reason why you may experience this particular problem is because of a loose wire. To test that out, you will have to thoroughly inspect how you have installed your wire and rule out anything that might be out of order. However, if you are unable to find issues with the wire, then you can try troubleshooting the switch instead.

If you wish to learn more about how you can do this, ensure to go through the details that have been mentioned in the article.

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