LIFX Failed To Onboard Your Bulb: 3 Ways To Fix

lifx failed to onboard your bulb
lifx failed to onboard your bulb

LIFX offers an interactive approach to smart lighting in your smart home. They provide a series of fantastic bulbs, with each of them being highly customizable. Even more so, every one of there device is very easy and simple to install and use.

They recently rolled out a new version of their app which seems to have jaw dropping UI. Their app offers a convenient way of controlling and customizing each and every LIFX device on your smart home. You can set up multiple scenes, different schedules and a lot more using this app.

How To Fix LIFX Failed To Onboard Your Bulb?

This is quite a common error faced by plenty of users. Usually this error occurs when someone tries to pair the bulbs with their phone, or anything else. It can also occur at other times too.

Why Does This Error Occur?

Even though there can be a number of reasons for this error, router settings are mostly the culprit behind. Similarly, if you are facing this issue and want to fix it, you will have to apply a few troubleshooting steps.

Fortunately, we will be listing them through this article. We have listed all of them right down below:

  1. Use 2.4GHz Instead of 5GHz

5GHz Wi-Fi isn’t really that reliable when it comes to using it with smart devices. In most network related issues, 5GHz Wi-Fi band is usually the reason for connection related errors. This is why we recommend you start using 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band instead.

You may also try changing the Wi-Fi security standard to WPA. This seems to also have a positive effect on this issue for some users.

  1. Reset/Re-add The Bulbs

Another way to successfully troubleshoot this issue is by resetting all of the bulbs and your app. You may also try reinstalling the app. Afterwards, remove every bulb from your app (If they haven’t already been removed). Manually re-add all of them. Also, when you try to setup a bulb, make sure all other bulbs are turned off.

  1. Additional Troubleshooting

If changing the Wi-Fi band hasn’t done much for you, then you may need to do some additional troubleshooting. To ensure everything works, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Open Your App
  • Tap on ‘+’ symbol in order to connect a light
  • Choose “Setup or Upgrade a light”
  • Go to the Wi-Fi settings
  • Choose the desired bulb that you need to connect
  • You should be able to see a banner coming from the app. Wait 2-4 seconds before tapping on it.
  • You will now have a list from which you have to select your router. (If you do not see a list, then you may need to wait more before you tap on the banner)
  • Insert Your Wi-Fi login key.
  • Close your app and then open it once more.
  • You should now be able to see your light under the category that is named after your router.
  • Finally, claim your light.


If you are someone who has been facing “failed to onboard your bulb” issue on LIFX. Then, we recommend you try all of the troubleshooting steps that we have written above.

2 thoughts on “LIFX Failed To Onboard Your Bulb: 3 Ways To Fix”

  1. I am still getting an error “Light Claim Failed”, even after resetting it and connecting it to the WiFi…. It won’t finish the last step of naming device!! Driving me nuts


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