LIFX Asus Router 2.4GHz Not Connecting: 3 Fixes

lifx asus router 2.4ghz not connecting
lifx asus router 2.4ghz not connecting

LIFX is one of the best appliance manufacturers out there that is offering smart appliances such as smart lights and stuff like that. So, you can enjoy a smart and comfortable life at your home, your office and any other place that you might feel like. The main concern that most people have is connecting these bulbs to a Wi-Fi router as that is the whole point for having a smart bulb.

Mainly, the LIFX bulbs don’t support 5GHz Wi-Fi, so you might think that having a 2.4GHz router should be enough and you should be able to connect it without doing anything. This is true in some cases, given that you already have the right optimization and settings on your router, but if you are unable to have it connected, you need to have it fixed, and here is what you need to check on.

LIFX Asus Router 2.4GHz Not Connecting

1) Mac Filtering

Mac Filtering is the main concern for you if you have the right 2.4GHz Asus router and you are still not able to connect it with the LIFX bulbs or any other appliance. MAC filtering is basically an additional security layer that only allows those devices to be connected with your Wi-Fi router that have their MAC addresses already saved in the router settings. Now, you need to check if you have the MAC filtering on your PC, and there are two things that you can do about it.

The first step is easier and you just have to disable MAC filtering on your router and then restart it for the settings to be affective. However, if you are not comfortable with turning the MAC filtering off, you can simply add the MAC address of your bulb in the MAC filtering menu on your router and then you will be able to connect it with your router without having any issues.

2) VPN

There is another software issue that can cause you to have problems with the connectivity and that is a VPN. If you have a VPN enabled on any of your devices such as your phone or router, it will mask the traffic and you will not be able to connect your LIFX bulb on the Asus 2.4GHz router despite being on the 2.4GHz frequency, because LIFX appliances use the IP communication module. So, disable any VPN and then connect with the router again. This will help you fix the issue and you will be able to make it work.

3) Reset

Now, the issue can be with the bulb that you are trying to connect as well and not with the router so you cannot rule out that possibility either. What you will need to do in this case is first reset your bulb and that is pretty easy as you can see in the instruction manual.

Once you have reset the bulb, you will need to try resetting the router as well, and that will essentially solve the problem for you and you will be able to connect your LIFX bulb with the 2.4GHz Asus router.

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