6 Resolutions For The Leviton GFCI Outlet Not Working Issue

leviton gfci outlet not working
leviton gfci outlet not working

When you’re purchasing smart units from budget brands like Leviton, performance issues and faults in the devices are pretty common. The only selling point for these products is the price and other than that you won’t benefit from any exceptional features.

So, it is not that common to see owners complain about situations with the Leviton GFCI outlet not working.

Usually, the problem behind the Leviton GFCI outlet not working is related to inefficient wiring, but there have also been a few situations where owners were dealing with a defective outlet.

So, here are some methods that you need to try if the Leviton GFCI outlet is not working.

Causes And Fixes For Leviton GFCI Outlet Not Working

  1. Check The Wiring Orientation

The wiring orientation of the Leviton GFCI outlet is one of the first things that you need to consider when the system is not working. There is a good chance that you’ve messed up the wiring, and the outlet won’t reset until you fix the wiring. So, make sure to go over the recommended wiring configuration in the manual one more time.

This outlet is in tripped mode out of the factory and doesn’t start working until you manage the wiring. So, you just have to go over the wiring configurations and then check the performance from the Leviton outlet.

  1. Isolate Damaged & Frayed Sections

Issues with damaged or frayed wiring sections are also pretty serious when you’re dealing with the Leviton GFCI outlet. However, you need to turn off the breaker before inspecting the system to avoid safety hazards.

Once the power has been removed from the system, just turn off the power from the source and then closely inspect the wiring connected to the outlet. You will most likely find that the wiring is damaged and there is nothing wrong with the outlet.

  1. Test The Power Source

Along with the damaged wiring sections, you should check the power source for possible issues. You can use any voltage measuring device to check the output from the main source to narrow down on the main issue. If the voltage from the main wiring system is not enough, then you won’t be able to get any performance from the Leviton GFCI outlet.

So, if the LED indicator on the GFCI outlet is turned on, but there is still no response from the system, then you need to test the power source for possible voltage-related issues.

  1. Use The Reset Button

It is also possible that you’re just dealing with a minor bug in this GFCI outlet, and holding down on the reset button will help you get the desired operations from the unit. So, if the outlet was working perfectly a few days ago, just hold down on the reset button for a few seconds and then release it completely. This will reset the outlet, and then you can connect any device with the outlet to check the responsiveness of the unit.

  1. Clean Terminals With Diluted Vinegar

Even when the wiring is in good condition, you need to check the condition of the terminals for loose points and corrosion. Over time humidity and dust can create issues with the power flow. So, make sure to inspect the terminals for possible build-up. If the terminals are indeed rusty, just remove the power from the outlet completely and clean the terminals with a diluted vinegar solution.

You can also rely on other cleaners from the market to maintain the proper power flow. So, depending upon your budget, just use a market cleaner or vinegar solution to remove rust. After that, wipe away the residue and firmly secure the connection points with the terminals to get the desired performance.

  1. Get A Replacement Outlet

If the unit is not fixed at this stage, then there is a good chance that your outlet is defective. In this situation, the only thing that you need to do is to call the dealer and have him send you a replacement.

Otherwise, you will have to waste money on a new outlet, and you won’t get anywhere with the troubleshooting methods. So, make sure to engage the experts if the outlet is damaged and forward a warranty claim to get a free replacement for your smart home.

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