How To Reset Eufy Floodlight Camera (Explained)

how to reset eufy floodlight camera
how to reset eufy floodlight camera

While the Eufy system might not be the most affordable device in the market, you will enjoy a ton of features and performance consistency from this device. It is incredibly easy to set up, and even if you mess up at any step, you can reset the Eufy Floodlight camera to get everything back on track. This device might just be the best addition to your security system.

So, make sure to test out this unit if you want crisp 1080p video quality. Even though minor bugs can present themselves in every smart device, a quick reset to the system fixes the majority of these issues. So, here are some details on how to reset the Eufy floodlight camera.

How To Reset Eufy Floodlight Camera

The reset process for the Eufy Floodlight camera might not be available in the manual, but you can simply use the sync button to get the unit back to factory settings. It will take a few tries, but you won’t have to worry about any extensive steps. So, follow through with these instructions if you are not familiar with how to reset the Eufy floodlight cameras.

  • To start the process, you need to completely remove the floodlight camera from the application and then cut the power to the Eufy floodlight camera. You can either rely on the circuit breaker or stop the power through the main outlet.
  • Once the camera is turned off, you need to hold down on the sync button and keep holding it for a few seconds.
  • At this point, you can turn the power back on while still holding down the sync button, and the unit will reset. Make sure to wait for more than 10 seconds when you’re holding down on the sync button before you supply the power again.
  • Now, you can add the Eufy system back to the application and connect it with the Wi-Fi by going through the pairing process.
  • Lastly, just finalize the configurations on the application, and the Eufy Floodlight camera will be good to go. Make sure to set all the schedules and then check the performance of the floodlight camera over the next few days.

Overall, these were the steps that should be followed to reset the Eufy floodlight camera. Ideally, you will be able to get through the reset on the first try, but many people have to repeat the process multiple times to reset the unit. In most cases, these users are not removing the power completely from the smart system before holding down the sync button. So, try to avoid the same mistake by resetting the floodlight camera.

Once the camera has reset to factory default settings, you will be able to change the Wi-Fi on the device. However, many users experience application-related bugs, and the Wi-Fi doesn’t reset after going through this procedure. So, if you’re in the same boat and the Wi-Fi connects automatically to the system, try to get help from Eufy customer support. They will help you narrow down the problem and fix it accordingly.

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