6 Solutions For Eufy Doorbell Not Detecting Motion

eufy doorbell not detecting motion
eufy doorbell not detecting motion

The Eufy Doorbell has been becoming increasingly popular because of its reasonable price and feature reach approach to smart doorbells. Furthermore, you’ll get an elegant design, and as long as the battery is kept in good shape, you won’t have any issues with the unit. Usually, the only compilation that owners have to deal with is the Eufy doorbell not detecting motion.

This issue can be linked to the battery, but there are a ton of other factors that can also play a role in this issue. Luckily, there is no need to get concerned about the functionality of the device, and going through a few basic fixes is all you need to get the Eufy Doorbell working again. So, try out these methods if Eufy Doorbell is not detecting motion.

How to Resolve Eufy Doorbell Not Detecting Motion

  1. Fully Charge the Battery

If the purchase on your Eufy Doorbell was fairly recent, then you’re just dealing with charging-related issues. It is possible that the battery levels are low, and you just have to fully charge the battery to get the desired performance from the motion detection features. Ideally, this step will be enough to fix the motion detection problems, and you won’t have to bother with more solutions if you’ve managed the detection configurations correctly. However, if you’re sure that the battery is fully charged, then checking the detection configurations is your next step.

  1. Slightly Increase the Detection Sensitivity 

The most common reason why motion detection fails for users is that they set up the sensitivity too low on their smart devices. It is true that setting up high sensitivity can increase the chances of false alerts where the doorbell will detect animals and cars, but improving it slightly should have a positive impact on your situation. So, increase the sensitivity on your device by a small margin and check the performance again.

  1. Ensure That Motion Detection Is Enabled

Sometimes, owners are also dealing with situations where the motion detection has been turned off from the application. So, you should double-check the camera settings from the smart app to make sure that the motion detection features are enabled. It is not rare for customers to complain about issues with the feature without checking the status of the option. For this reason, there is no harm in rechecking that the motion detection is enabled and the option is toggled on.

  1. Check Push Notification Settings 

Aside from the sensitivity of the motion detection, you need to also allow the app to send push notifications. Otherwise, you won’t get any alerts even when the doorbell detects motion perfectly. So, head over to the application settings and turn on push notifications so that you get notified immediately when the doorbell detects motion. Restricting the push notifications will limit the performance of your app, and you won’t get anywhere with Eufy Doorbell motion detection features.

  1. Improve Internet Connection

If the internet connection is bugged, then the app notifications will be delayed, and the doorbell won’t be able to communicate with the smart app. So, you will have to make sure that the router is within the range of the doorbell and that you’re not using any VPN apps on your mobile device. This can create communication problems, and you will notice a decline in the performance of your smart doorbell. For this reason, you will have to ensure that the internet is working perfectly and there are no issues with the router range or excessive interferences through other wireless devices.

  1. Get A Replacement

If the issue is not fixed at this stage, then there is a chance that you’re dealing with a defective doorbell. There is nothing that you can do to fix a defective doorbell from Eufy, and the only play here is to contact the dealer for a replacement.

The good thing is that dealer support is pretty amazing with this brand, and if your claim is valid, it shouldn’t be that hard to secure a replacement within a few weeks. So, just reach out to the professionals and have them help you secure a replacement. Hopefully, you won’t have to deal with the same issues again, as the alerts will work perfectly on your phone.

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