7 Common Level Bolt Smart Lock Problems Troubleshooting

common level bolt smart lock problems troubleshooting
common level bolt smart lock problems troubleshooting

You will never have to worry about losing or forgetting your keys again if you get the Level Bolt smart lock installed on your door since it makes it simple to open the door using your phone.

However, due to the fact that this lock is equipped with the same issues that are present in every other smart product.

there is no way to tell whether your device will be faulty right from the beginning or if anything will go wrong after you have installed it.

If any of these things are occurring with your lock, you can determine what the issue might be and how to repair it.

Common Level Bolt Smart Lock Problems Troubleshooting

You can do that by following this list of the most frequent issues with Level Bolt smart locks and the solutions to those problems.

  1. Not syncing with the app


If your smart lock is not syncing with the app, there are a few things you can try to get it back up and running.

  • First, check that your phone is on WIFI and that you are connected to a strong signal. If this doesn’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app by following these steps:
  • Open Google Play Store on your phone or tablet.
  • Search for Level bolt in Google Play Store search bar.
  • Tap Level Bolt – The original smart lock when the results appear.


  • Tap Uninstall at the top of your screen. Wait until you see You’ve successfully uninstalled ‘Level Bolt – The original smart lock’ message at the top of your screen before closing the Play Store app and opening it again.
  • Next, tap Install from inside of Google Play Store to install Level bolt again. When installation is complete, open the app and log in using your account information.
  • Check that everything has been restored and that it’s now working as expected.
  1. App Crashes Or Freezes

Your application might crash or become unresponsive for a number of different causes. One of the most prevalent explanations is that the operating system on your device requires an upgrade.

app freeze

In the event that this does not work, ensure that you are connected to Wi-Fi and check the available storage space on your device to see whether or not an update may be downloaded.

You might also try closing the app, shutting off your phone, then starting it up again. After that, try opening it again.

If these solutions do not resolve the issue, please get in touch with our customer care staff so that they can assist you in resolving the problem.

We make every effort to prevent displays from being stuck, but for a variety of reasons, this may and does sometimes occur.

update installation

When attempting to update software from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, this issue may have been caused by a problem with the user’s internet connection.

Before attempting to launch the program once again, please power down your device and give it a fresh start so that this issue may be resolved.

  1. Incorrect Pin Codes

Level Bolt Smart Lock Incorrect pin codes or just forgetting one’s own pin code are only two of the many potential causes of problems, which may arise for a variety of reasons.

One of the most typical reasons is incorrect entrance and exit codes being programmed into the system.

It is very important to set up different pins for people coming in and out of your business if it has a shared lock.

incorrect pin

If they share their code with someone else, you will never know when they were there.

If your business has a shared lock, it is very important to set up different pins for people coming in and out.

Another potential source of trouble is entering the incorrect passcode into the system.

You should only use numbers, letters, or special characters that are simple to recall, such as your birthdate or the birthday of your spouse.

incorrect password

Also, before you leave the house, check to see that all of the door locks are secured with keys so that no one else can enter without them.

This should apply to both your roommates and any visitors who may not have access to the passcodes you have set up. Last but not least, be sure to often switch out the codes!

  1. Cannot Delete User

The most typical issue that arises with a Level Bolt Smart Lock is that it will sometimes prevent you from deleting a user after adding the user to the lock’s database.

You may still create new users, and you can even modify the name of an existing user.

delete user

If you attempt to remove a user, you could get an error notice asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the user.

This is usually the result of anything other than your lock operating improperly, since it would not let any new users to be created at the same time.

In order to solve this issue, you will need to delete all of the data stored in the Bluetooth settings of your mobile device and then reestablish a connection with the Level Bolt Smart Lock.

The next time, it should provide you with the choice to remove the person you choose.

Before you do anything else, check to see if anything is preventing your smartphone or tablet from establishing a wireless connection to your lock.

Your mobile device will not be able to interact wirelessly with the Level Bolt Smart Lock if you are inside a building or if there is interference from another wireless network in the area, for example.

To improve the strength of your connection, you might try walking outdoors or moving farther away from neighboring buildings.

  1. Low Battery Warning

If you ignore the low battery warning that your Level Bolt Smart Lock provides, you run the risk of being locked out of your home.

low battery

The alert will let you know when your battery is running low, but if you don’t pay attention to it, you may find yourself shut out.

The most typical scenario in which this occurs is when the person is gone from home when their phone dies or when they forget to plug in their lock after it has been charged and they are locked out.

In the event that the lock runs out of battery power and there is no backup, unauthorized individuals will be able to enter your home without the use of a key.

Make sure that your lock is charged every day and that you keep an eye on the low battery indicator so that you don’t get locked out of your home.

This will help you avoid having to call a locksmith. Alter the batteries well in advance of their depletion so that you will always have a fresh supply on hand in case of unexpected events.

Make sure that every member of the household is aware of how to operate the Level Bolt Smart Lock and how vital it is to be updated about its state.

This is something that should be done with any other security system as well.

  1. Keypad Malfunctioning

level bolt keypad

The Level Bolt Smart Lock system has a variety of potential flaws that might manifest themselves at any time. The most typical issue is a keypad that is not working properly.

There could be a problem with the software that controls the lock, or perhaps it just needs to be reset.

In order to reset this smart lock, you will need to follow these procedures.

Firstly, you will need to disengage the lock by unlocking it with your smartphone. Afterwards, you will need to reengage it by opening and shutting the door three times.

While holding down all four buttons on the front panel, wait for the LED to flash green to red/green pattern twice.

This will take 15 seconds (release buttons after flashing). After releasing the buttons, push and then immediately release any button a total of two times.

Within two to three seconds, the lock ought to be engaged. If this is not the case, start the procedure again at step one and continue until you are successful.

In addition, if you find that inputting your code into the keypad is difficult for you, consider rotating the keypad through 180 degrees before attempting to enter it again.

You shouldn’t have to worry about it occurring again after the problem has been fixed since this issue has been made known to the manufacturers of all new locks.

  1. Auto Lock Not Working Properly

One of the most common problems with a Level Bolt Smart Lock is that it won’t auto lock and you might have to manually lock and unlock it.

This can happen because of a problem with the sensors on your Smart Lock. Often, this is due to dirt and debris getting into the locking mechanism or just general wear and tear.

Other causes for this issue are when the Wi-Fi signal isn’t strong enough to sync with the Bluetooth, so you need to move your Smart Lock closer to your router.

Some users will report their door doesn’t work in specific rooms in their home but not others – this may be due to interference from other electronic devices.

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