3 Common Homeseer Problems (Troubleshooting)

common homeseer problems troubleshooting
common homeseer problems troubleshooting

HomeSeer is a technology company that is based in the United States. It provides customers with smart home products ranging from hubs, sensors to security cameras and smart switches. If you’re looking for quality then HomeSeer should be your brand of choice. These products are very reliable and quite easy to set up.

Even though HomeSeer makes sure that its products seldom run into an error, there are still some common issues you might run into. Following is a list of some quick fixes you can use to troubleshoot these problems.

Common Homeseer Problems (Troubleshooting)

  1. Web Interface Not Loading

HomeSeer offers its users a web-based user interface through which they can configure the majority of their HomeSeer devices. It can be due to a lot of reasons including conflicts with the windows firewall or another existing application on your computer system.

First of all, you should uninstall the HomeSeer software completely and install it again. Make sure to remove all the HomeSeer files from your system. If reinstalling does not work for you then you should configure your Firewall. Windows firewall is the most common reason why your interface won’t load properly.

Just simply go into your windows settings and navigate to system and security. There you’ll find the windows firewall option. You can either disable it completely or make sure that the HomeSeer application is added to the allowed programs list. After that, you can simply restart HomeSeer to check if that worked for you.

Another thing you can do if disabling the Firewall does not work is to recheck the port settings. For the HomeSeer devices, the port setting should be at 80. If this port is already being used by another program then it is highly likely that your application won’t work. All you have to do to fix this is go to the HomeSeer config folder and edit the settings.ini file. Just change the value of gWebSvrPort from 80 to 82 or some value that is free and can be used by HomeSeer Application.

  1. Unknown Status on Linked Devices

This problem can occur usually after you update your HomeSeer software to a newer version. This may cause all your connected devices to show unknown status and they may become unresponsive.

You should start by restarting your HS server and see if that sorts out the issue for you. Another viable option can be to restore the software to the previous version through a backup. You have to make sure to save the HS folder before updating the system. So that all your data does not wipe after you update to a newer version.

Another fix that can potentially solve the issue for you is to reinstall the Z-Stick+ Drivers again and changing the port. After that, you should simply toggle all your devices on/off and they should start responding again to your HS server. Make sure all your plugins are up to date to ensure that they are not the cause of this issue.

  1. Z-Tool+ Not Working

A very common error that users might run into is Z-Tool can’t find the system. This can be due to multiple causes like poor internet connection, version mismatch, or even plug not enabled.

First of all, you need to go into your system settings and make sure that the Z-Tool plug-in is enabled after installation. Most often than not due to poor internet connection is the main reason why the Z-Tool wouldn’t connect to the system. You can bring the router close to your HomeSeer to improve the signal strength. Also, recheck the connection by testing the internet on your mobile device.

Lastly, all you have to make sure of is that at the very least 1.23 version of Z-Wave and the .194 version of HS3 is installed on your system for the Z-Tool to operate.

These were some common problems you might face while working with the HomeSeer devices and quick ways to troubleshoot them. If you believe that you’re experiencing a distinct issue then you should contact HomeSeer support immediately. As HomeSeer offers its customers lifetime support. That way an engineer can help you sort out your issue step by step. So, make sure to open up a support ticket and wait to receive a response from the support team.

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