5 Common BAZZ Smart LED Bulb Problems Troubleshooting

common BAZZ smart LED Bulb problems troubleshooting
common BAZZ smart LED Bulb problems troubleshooting

If you’ve recently purchased Bazz Smart LED Bulbs, you may have run into some common problems. Don’t worry!

We’ve compiled a list of the most common issues with these bulbs and the solutions to help you get them up and running in no time.

Common BAZZ Smart LED Bulb Problems Troubleshooting

In this article, we’ll be discussing the top 5 problems encountered with Bazz Smart LED Bulbs, as well as the most effective ways to solve them. Keep reading to find out more!

  1. Not Connecting To Wi-Fi


Having trouble connecting your Bazz Smart LED Bulb to Wi-Fi? You’re not alone!

There are many common issues that can prevent the bulb from connecting properly, but luckily, there are simple solutions to get you up and running in no time.

Here are seven of the most common problems with Bazz Smart LED Bulbs not connecting to Wi-Fi, and how to fix them:

  • Make sure your router is compatible – The Bazz Smart LED Bulb is designed to work with certain routers. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s website for a list of compatible models.
  • Reset your router – If your router has recently been updated, resetting it can help clear any glitches that may be preventing the bulb from connecting.
  • Check your network settings – Make sure your network is broadcasting on the 2.4GHz band and your security settings allow for device connection.


  • Try a different outlet – If the problem persists, try a different outlet in your home or office.
  • Update the firmware on the bulb – This can be done through the Bazz app.
  • Make sure the bulb is close enough to the router – If the bulb is too far away, it won’t have a strong enough signal to connect properly.
  • Make sure the bulb isn’t in sleep mode – If your bulb is in sleep mode, it won’t be able to connect to Wi-Fi.
  1. Not Responding To Voice Commands

If you’ve recently purchased a Bazz Smart LED Bulb, chances are you’re excited to start using it with your voice commands.

voice command

Unfortunately, there are times when the bulb just won’t respond to your commands.

If this is happening to you, here are 7 common reasons why your Bazz Smart LED Bulb might not be responding to voice commands.

  • Low Battery: The Bazz Smart LED Bulb runs on a rechargeable battery, so if you haven’t charged it in a while or if it’s running low on battery, it may not be able to respond to your voice commands. Make sure to keep your bulb fully charged so that it can always respond when you need it to.
  • Out of Range: The Bazz Smart LED Bulb is designed to work within a certain range of your voice, so if you are too far away from the bulb, it won’t be able to hear your commands. Try speaking directly into the bulb and see if that helps.
  • Poor Connection: The Bazz Smart LED Bulb needs to be connected to your Wi-Fi network in order for it to respond to your voice commands. Make sure the connection is strong and stable by checking your router settings.
  • Incorrect Voice Command: The Bazz Smart LED Bulb is programmed to respond to specific voice commands, so if you are using incorrect phrasing or words, it won’t recognize what you’re saying. Double-check the list of compatible commands before speaking into the bulb.


  • Background Noise: If there is too much background noise around your Bazz Smart LED Bulb, it won’t be able to hear your commands. Try relocating the bulb somewhere quieter so it can better pick up your voice.
  • Outdated Software: If you haven’t updated the software on your Bazz Smart LED Bulb, then it might not be recognizing some of your voice commands. To update the software, connect the bulb to your computer and use the accompanying software update tool.
  • Damaged Microphone: The Bazz Smart LED Bulb has a built-in microphone that allows it to pick up your voice commands. If the microphone is damaged or faulty, then the bulb won’t be able to respond correctly. Contact customer support if this is the case with your bulb.
  1. Not Changing Colors


One of the biggest issues with Bazz Smart LED bulbs is that they can occasionally stop changing colors.

This can be a frustrating problem, as you may have paid extra for the feature and then find that it no longer works. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix this issue.

  • Check the Connectivity: The first step is to make sure that your bulb is properly connected to the Wi-Fi network and your mobile device. If you’re using a router to connect your devices, make sure that the router is functioning properly and that your mobile device is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network.
  • Restart the Bulb: It’s always a good idea to restart the bulb by turning it off and then on again. This can often help resolve connectivity issues.
  • Check the App: Make sure that you’re using the latest version of the Bazz Smart LED app. If you’re using an outdated version, it might be causing your bulb to not change colors.


  • Check the Settings: Open up the app and go to My Bulbs, then select your bulb and check its settings. Make sure that Dynamic Color is enabled. If it’s not, try enabling it and see if that solves the problem.
  • Reset the Bulb: If none of the above step’s work, you might need to reset the bulb by pressing and holding down the power button for 10 seconds. Once the bulb has been reset, you should be able to enable Dynamic Color again.
  • Firmware Update: If you’ve tried all of the steps above and still can’t get your bulb to change colors, try updating its You can find instructions on how to do this in the app or on Bazz’s website.
  1. Unusual Flashing

If you’re using BAZZ smart LED bulbs, one of the most common issues you may run into is unusual flashing.

This can happen for a variety of reasons, but there are a few common causes. Here are seven common issues with BAZZ smart LED bulbs that can cause flashing and how to fix them.

  • Bulb Not Connected to Power Source: If your BAZZ smart LED bulb is not properly connected to a power source, it will flash at regular intervals. Make sure your BAZZ smart LED bulb is connected properly to an outlet or power source.
  • Outdated Software: If your BAZZ smart LED bulb has outdated software, it can cause the bulb to flash at regular intervals. To fix this, make sure the latest firmware is installed on your BAZZ smart LED bulb.
  • Too Many Bulbs: If you have too many BAZZ smart LED bulbs connected to one power source, the bulbs can become overloaded and cause flickering and flashing. To solve this, spread out your bulbs to different outlets or power sources.


  • Incorrect Dimming Settings: If you’ve set the dimming settings too low on your BAZZ smart LED bulb, it can cause flickering and flashing. To fix this, adjust the dimming settings back up to the recommended setting.
  • Bulb Is Too Close to Other Lights: If your BAZZ smart LED bulb is placed too close to other lights, it can interfere with the signal and cause flickering or flashing. To fix this, move the bulb away from other lights to avoid interference.
  • Poor Connection: If there’s a poor connection between the BAZZ smart LED bulb and its power source, it can cause flickering or flashing. To fix this, make sure all connections are tight and secure.
  • Bad Bulb: If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that you have a bad bulb and need to replace it with a new one.
  1. Wrong Color Temperature


Are you having trouble with your Bazz Smart LED Bulb showing the wrong color temperature? If so, you’re not alone – many people have had this same problem.

Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions that can help you get back to enjoying your bulb’s perfect lighting.

The most common reason why Bazz Smart LED Bulbs show the wrong color temperature is that they were set up incorrectly.

This could include a faulty connection or incorrect settings in the app. To ensure that your bulb is properly connected and configured, try resetting your Bazz Smart LED Bulb.


To do this, simply turn off the power for at least 10 seconds and then turn it back on again.

Another possible cause of incorrect color temperature is that the bulb has become overheated. LED bulbs generate a lot of heat and can become too hot if they’re used in a room with high temperatures or insufficient ventilation.

To prevent this from happening, make sure you have enough airflow in the room where your Bazz Smart LED Bulb is located.

If necessary, install an additional fan or open a window to help keep the temperature down.

Finally, you may also need to adjust the settings on the app if your Bazz Smart LED Bulb is still showing the wrong color temperature.

Look for the Settings tab on the app, then select Color Temperature and select the correct color temperature.

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