6 Reasons For Aura Frame Keeps Going Offline

Aura Frame Keeps Going Offline
Aura Frame Keeps Going Offline

Aura frames might be the most expensive in the market, but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever get into performance issues with these systems. There have been a ton of complaints brought forward by the users where Aura frame keeps going offline. You won’t be able to access any sharing features, and the frame won’t respond to user commands.

It can be pretty annoying to manage this responsiveness issue, and in most conditions, this problem is related to the network router. So, before you get to resetting the Aura Frame, try to check the router connection with your digital unit. Here are further details on how to fix the Aura frame when it keeps going offline.

Aura Frame Keeps Going Offline

  1. Power Cycle Wi-Fi Router

Power cycling the Wi-Fi router should be your first move when the Aura Frame keeps going offline. Most often than not, it is just a minor bug that can be fixed by removing the power adapter from the outlet and then replugging the adapter after a few minutes. You won’t lose any configurations through this method, and the Aura Frame will start working perfectly once the network bugs are addressed.

  1. Update Credentials

This problem with the Aura frame is often caused when the router is placed too far from the frame, and the credentials are the same for the 5.0 GHz and the 2.4 GHz bands. So, if you’re using a dual-band router, then make sure to change the credentials for one channel. That will make it easier for your router to connect with the 2.4 GHz network.

Similarly, reducing the distance between the Aura Frame and the network router will help improve the signal strength. As the signal strength improves, you won’t have to deal with as many network-related issues.

  1. Reboot Your Frame

Sometimes, it is the frame and not the network router when you’re dealing with these bugs where Aura Frame keeps going offline. So, if you’re sure that the network router is within the 20 feet range and the credentials are different for each channel, then you should simply restart the Frame and then allow it to reconnect with the router. It will take a few minutes, and you can judge the performance over the next couple of hours on whether or not the Aura frame goes offline after the reboot.

  1. Re-Add Aura Frame

Refreshing connection with the smart application will also help troubleshoot these issues with Aura frame going offline after every few minutes. You can simply access the smart application and head over to the frame that is malfunctioning. From the frame settings, you can remove the device and then go through the setup to connect your smart frame one more time.

Ideally, this will address connection issues between the application and the smart frame. However, you should still make sure that your application is updated and that there are no pending updates for the Aura frame as you reconnect the frame to your application.

  1. Remove Interferences

The presence of too many wireless devices between the router and the Aura frame will also lead to the same outcome. It is a good idea to remove some of the wireless accessories connected to the same router and then check the response from the Aura frame. This will likely fix the issues with the Aura frame going offline after every few seconds.

Once the issue is resolved, you can reconnect the devices to the same router, and hopefully, you won’t have to bother with the responsiveness problems. However, if the issue presents itself again after reconnecting accessories, then you need to get a different router for all of these extra accessories.

  1. Call Aura Support

The Aura dealer support is one of the most reliable services in the market, and they will help you maneuver through any and every issue that you might face with these frames. So, even if the purchase is not recent, make sure to involve these experts in the troubleshooting process.

It will make diagnosing the issue much easier, and you won’t have to waste hours of your productive time trying to fix the frame yourself. Moreover, you can also demand a replacement if the frames are defective.

1 thought on “6 Reasons For Aura Frame Keeps Going Offline”

  1. I have two Aura frames in different names of course. They work great for a bit and then they both keep crashing and going back to original set up. But when I try to set up a new frame as you have indicated to do, they will ….neither of them will recognize me as the owner and wants me to delete all data . Is there not some way that when they come back online that it will continue? Do I have to reset and add all my hundreds of pictures? Please advise as I love the frames but getting frustrated. Thank you


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