8 Methods For Resolving Andersen Sliding Door Lock Not Working

andersen sliding door lock not working
andersen sliding door lock not working

The Andersen smart door locks have secured a stable spot in the market with exceptional reliability.

If you’ve installed the unit correctly and there are no hardware issues with the lock, you won’t have to worry about complications over the next few years.

Everything comes down to installation and maintenance. If you keep the unit clean and install it perfectly, there will not be a single issue that will present itself down the road.

However, if you try to go cheap and install the unit yourself, there might be many complications with the system not working.

Similarly, it is common for owners to run into installation issues, and the online forums are filled with complaints about Andersen Sliding Door Lock not working.

It can be a bit challenging to fix the Andersen sliding door lock in most conditions, and seeking help from a professional is your best move.

He will know how to best modify your unit and help you get a decent enough response from the sliding door.

However, if you still wish to test your luck with basic troubleshooting methods, then the following tips will be of use for your Andersen Sliding door lock not working.

How to Fix Andersen Sliding Door Lock Not Working

  1. Fix Alignment with Latch

Fixing the alignment should be your first move when you’re not getting anywhere with the sliding door lock.

Most of the time, you won’t have to bother with any more solutions, and adjusting the position of the latch relative to the striker should fix this issue permanently.

So, if you have installed the sliding door lock recently, then fix the alignment of the latch. You just need to make sure that the engagement of the striker and latch is perfect.

  1. Tighten Up Screws

It is common knowledge that screws can get loose over time and impact the orientation of the latch.

screw driver

There isn’t much that you can do about this situation except use decent protective materials to keep the screws in place.

However, if you ignore the use of protective layers over the screws, then you should check their positioning once more. 

There is a decent chance that these screws are loose and your only play is to tighten them up again.

Make sure to avoid over-tightening these screws, as that will also impact the alignment of the striker and the latch.

  1. Clean Up The Unit

Sometimes, all that you have to do is to clean up the system and then try using the lock one more time.

If you’ve not cleaned the system in a few months, then now might be a good time to do so. The latch will stop working when the unit is clogged up with debris or gunk. 

This is especially true if you live somewhere with rough weather, and you will have to go about adjusting the unit accordingly.


After a bit of effort to clean up the unit, you can then blast the debris away with compressed air.

It will take a few minutes at max, and you will surely be able to get a good response out of the unit at this point.

You can also choose to rely on a microfiber cloth to get rid of the clogged gunk. Either way, you need to make sure that the unit is not clogged up and that the contact is optimal.

Ideally, you will be sorted out at this stage if the installation is perfect and the issue is only related to the maintenance side of things. So, be sure to follow through with the proper cleaning cycle when you’re stuck here.

  1. Adjust the Height Of The Rollers

The height of the rollers can also play a role when the door lock is not working.

When the height is not managed properly, there is excessive stress on the door lock, and it won’t engage or disengage as you’re trying to access the system.

All that you have to do here is to adjust the height of the rollers to make sure that the contact between the sliding door and the latch is optimal. The door shouldn’t be slanted, and the striker should be able to lock up properly.


It will take a bit of trial and error to find the right orientation, but you’re not left with many options here.

So, be sure to check up on the rollers when you can’t seem to secure a good enough response from the unit. Hopefully, you will be able to get through the adjustment yourself. 

  1. Use Lubrication

Sometimes, all you need is a bit of lube to get everything working again. It won’t take you more than a few minutes to fix the Andersen sliding door lock not working smoothly.

All you need is a decent lubricant that is easy to apply. Once the lock components are lubricated, you can test out their smoothness again.

Most of the time, you won’t have to take apart the locking system to lubricate it properly.

add lubricant

Simply adding lube from the outside will be enough to get your Andersen sliding door lock working smoothly.

A common mistake that most owners make is that they will end up using grease to lubricate the system.

This is never a good option, as the grease can mix up with debris to create a gunk-like consistency. You need to avoid this outcome at all costs.

So, be sure to rely on some of the more established brands when purchasing a lubricant from the market, and you will be sorted in no time.

It all comes down to how you’re keeping track of the maintenance and lubrication requirements of the unit.

Another thing to keep in mind here is that you should always clean out the lock as well as the track before using lubricant.

Otherwise, you will end up creating more issues with the system not working. You can also hire a local contractor to help you out at this point, and he will only charge you a minimal fee. 

  1. Check for Warping Issues

It is also possible that the excessive moisture in the air has warped your door frame and lock.

Even slight changes in the shape of the frame will create complications with the striker not lining up with the latch.


So, you need to ensure that the door frame is scaled properly and that there are no issues with the door warping out of shape.

The only method that can be used to protect your door, in the long run, is protective paint. So, make sure to source relevant painting accessories and check for warping issues again.

  1. Get A Replacement

At this stage, you should think more about getting a replacement.

There is a good chance that you’re running into hardware-related issues, and your only move is to contact the customer support members for help.

So, make sure to engage the dealer and have him provide you with a replacement. Otherwise, you will just be wasting money on a defective lock that will keep running into performance-related issues.

  1. Call A Locksmith

Lastly, if you’re sure that there are no hardware issues, then approaching a few local experts about the installation of these locks is your best move.

call ring support for further assistance

Even though there are complete details on the installation of the Andersen sliding door lock, you should still seek professional support regarding this situation.

By contacting a locksmith, you won’t have to worry about spending hours of your time isolating the issue. So, if you’re still dealing with the same issue, then calling a locksmith is your only move.

All you need to do is thoroughly check the drive for hardware issues. It won’t take you more than a few minutes to die and install the application.

Wrapping Up

The issues with the Andersen sliding door not working are not that uncommon, and you will have to deal with this situation from time to time. However, that doesn’t mean that it is impossible to fix these errors.

All it takes is a bit of effort on your end when you can’t seem to get the right efficiency from the unit. 

Most of the time, you’ll just have to adjust the alignment and tighten up the mounting screws.

Even a bit of slack can put the unit out of balance, and you will struggle with the sliding motion. So, be sure to keep that in mind when you can’t seem to get any performance out of the unit.

Next, you can also check for warping issues and make use of some lubricant to further streamline the sliding motion.

It will take a bit of effort on your end, but you’ll surely be able to get the right response out of the system. 

Lastly, you will have to reach out to the official support team or any local expert to help with the door.

There is no point in spending hours of your time trying to find a fix when you’re stuck in these errors. So, be sure to reach out to a professional, and he will guide you on how to address these errors.

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