4 Ways To Fix Yeelight IFTTT Google Assistant Not Working

Yeelight IFTTT Google Assistant Not Working
Yeelight IFTTT Google Assistant Not Working

The wide range of compatibility options makes Yeelight a preferred brand for most users. You can connect it with the majority of well-known home automation brands. This makes Yeelight easily accessible in your smart home and you won’t have to get a separate hub to control these devices. So, you’ll never have to worry about running into compatibility issues if you’re buying Yeelight products.

But sometimes even the best devices can run into errors. If you’re having issues in getting your Yeelight to work with IFTTT Google assistant then here are some possible fixes that can help you sort out this issue.

How to Fix Yeelight IFTTT Google Assistant Not Working

  1. Create a New Profile

The fix that worked out for most users who were having this issue was simply making a new account for Yeelight and then trying to connect it with the IFTTT Google Assistant. However, it can be quite frustrating if you’re not able to use your previous account where you’ve saved all your configurations. Now, you will have to configure the device again with the new account and then connect it with the smart hub to be able to access your smart lights properly.

  1. Re-link Device

Another possible way to overcome this issue is by simply opening up the Google Home App and removing the Yeelight device altogether from the app. After that is done you should close the app and give your smartphone a quick restart. Once the phone boots back up, launch the Google Home app again and navigate to home control. From there click the + icon to add the Yeelight again and it should start working properly with your IFTTT Google Assistant.

  1. Factory Settings

If your issue is still not resolved then it is likely that there is something wrong with your Yeelight device. In which case the best option for you is to reset it. You will have to switch the Yeelight device on and off around 5 times in rapid successions for it to reset. If you do this process properly then you will start noticing your Yeelight blink after every second and the blinking will stop after 5 seconds after which your Yeelight will reboot. That means your device is ready to get paired with the mobile app, from there you can configure all your user settings from scratch. If the bulb does not blink then you will have to do the whole reset process again.

  1. Customer Support

If the mentioned fixes don’t work out for you then your best bet is to contact Yeelight support. You can go to the Yeelight online forums and open up a support thread. This will also enable you to receive help from other users who faced similar issues with their smart devices. Just follow the fixes that worked out for them and you will be all set. Otherwise, wait for a response from the Yeelight staff. Make sure to provide screenshots or recordings of your issue to help them pinpoint the actual problem.

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