Why Is Alexa So Dumb?

Why Is Alexa So Dumb
Why Is Alexa So Dumb

Alexa is your very own virtual voice assistant AI that will listen to each one of your queries. The technology was made by Amazon. With the invention of Alexa, users are able to do so much more in their smart homes, all through simple voice commands.

Some common uses of Alexa are asking what the weather is outside, or playing your favorite music or videos. It can also provide you with the latest news, sports match scores. But most important of all, Alexa is used to controlling your smart home through voice commands.

Why Is Alexa So Dumb?

Although technology is improving with every passing day, we still haven’t discovered the true potential of AI (Artificial Intelligence). For plenty of users, using Alexa becomes a chore rather than being convenient. Many users haven’t exactly had a quality time with their voice assistant. They have reported the device being too dumb to actually understand anything they have said so far.

Similarly, if you’re also fed up with why Alexa is so dumb, then there is more than just a simple answer to that. There are a lot of things that come into play when you are giving voice commands to something made artificially. For instance, people have reported that Alexa doesn’t even understand what words they are saying at times.

In such cases, the difficulty also comes with words. They can be arbitrary. Although this can be improved over time. For Alexa, you will need to set up groups/rooms as you’re basically talking to a machine. It is important that Alexa understands the contextual relationship between things.

Likewise, commands also function as hierarchies. Assume each command as choosing an item and then deciding what you want to do with it. This will actually make the processing a lot easier as not every object can use every subcommand available. We highly suspect this kind of mindset stems from the technique command-line interface works with arguments and commands. Most likely, we will also see an improvement here.

In reality, we really aren’t talking to a true AI. In fact, it is more like an illusion of Artificial Intelligence where devices recognize keywords and start running pre-defined commands to either search for a specific answer or execute a command. This is true, not only for Alexa but every other virtual voice assistant as well.


Answering the question “Why Is Alexa So Dumb?”, they are in fact quite dumb, at least for now. Over time, these are most likely to improve. Although improvements are being made every day, we still haven’t unlocked the true potential of what AI could achieve. For now, we are stuck with the dumb Alexa. If you need a quick workaround for setting scenes, try setting up your own routine, which will allow you to say whatever you want to Alexa for a specific command.

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2 thoughts on “Why Is Alexa So Dumb?”

  1. Yes she is, half the time I ask her to search for something she goes off on ‘orders’ it’s like I NEVER MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT ORDERING OR SHIPPING OR ANYTHING RELATED TO THOSE WORDS! Alexa just shows how dumb pple are these days.


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