What Light Color Does Not Attract Bugs? (Answered)

what color light does not attract bugs
what color light does not attract bugs

We have all seen bugs buzzing around a particular light. As most bugs are attracted to any light source, outdoor lights, in particular, are filled with bugs. This can get quite annoying to deal with as you don’t only have to hear the buzzing sound, but these bugs can also disrupt your lighting.

However, can anything really be done to prevent these bugs from coming towards your light bulb? We have had an awful lot of users ask questions about it. If you are also someone who is wondering what color of light does not attract bugs, then you have come to the right place! Today, we will be discussing all the details that you will need in order to learn more about this. So, let’s not waste any time further and get right into it!

What Color of Light Does Not Attract Any Bugs?

For those of you wondering about a definite color to pick, we’re afraid the solution to preventing these bugs is not as simple as picking a random color. There are plenty of things to consider that you will need to keep in mind.

For instance, if it’s bees that you are annoyed with, then simply picking the red color would help. However, this can end up ruining your overall visibility. Similarly, yellow is also known to be the least attractive color to most bugs. But the question still remains as to what really attracts these bugs in the first place?

Why Are Some Bugs Attracted to Light Source?

Different bugs show different behavior patterns near a light source. You may have noticed some bugs getting attracted to your light bulb while some prefer repelling it. But what really drives these bugs to come marching on a light source?

Phototaxis is a common scientific term that explains why an organism would react to light. For bugs that have a positive phototaxis, they will be attracted to light. On the other hand, it will be quite oppositive for a bug with negative phototaxis.

What Kind Of Lights Are More Attractive To Bugs?

The most attractive aspect of a bug in lights is their UV output. This is why most bug traps make use of UV bulbs which help in luring these bugs near the trap.

Generally, insects are able to see 3 different colors of light. These include Ultraviolet (UV), green and blue. As a result, the most attractive color for these bugs is either bright white color or bluish light.

On the other hand, picking colors that have a yellow, pink, or orange effect will be least attractive to the bugs.

Do LED Lights Help?

Back in the day, when LED technology wasn’t introduced, white incandescent bulbs were one of the only options available. These light bulbs attracted too many bugs, as both the heat generated by the bulb and the color were the main cause.

To tackle this, it was usually advised to use a yellow incandescent bulb or any warm color. Compared to cool white bulbs, warm light bulbs helped the light be more like sunlight which is why they were less attractive to bugs. In the same regard, the red color was known to be even more effective. However, the color carried poor visibility which is why it was rarely used.

Today, LED lights are commonly available which are known to attract lesser bugs. While using a lower wattage rating and giving a warmer color with little to no UV light, they are marginally better especially if you are having a bug problem in the house.

Picking the Right LED Bulb

Now that we have discussed both which colors are the least attractive to bugs as well as the role of LED lights, which LED bulbs should you pick? Keeping everything that we have discussed in mind, choosing an LED light with a yellow hue should be the best possible option to pick.

As you will have the added benefits of LED, coupled with yellow color, you shouldn’t have any bug problems. However, if for some reason, you want to go for a different setup, then your next best bet would be to go for the following:

  • Any warm-colored LED light.
  • Buying certain “bug lights” that are designed to attract fewer bugs.
  • Halogen globe bulbs.

Repelling Bugs Through Other Means

Apart from using the correct light setup, there are certain things that you can do to have a completely bug-free environment. Some effective methods to completely repel bugs are:

  • Try placing plants that are known to repel bugs. For example, you can use citronella, marigolds, peppermint, garlic, rosemary and lavender.
  • Make use of a screen tent whenever you are outside the house.
  • Using tiki torches or citronella candles.
  • Placing bird feeders in your yard. This will attract birds which will ultimately reduce the number of bugs you have outside as birds love to eat them.
  • Setting up different traps for the bugs.

Managing to follow all or even some of the above-mentioned steps should help give you a completely bug-free experience. One last thing to mention is that it also depends on the kind of place you are currently living in. Certain areas have more bugs than usual.

The Bottom Line:

What color of light does not attract bugs? This is a question that many people have asked before they decide to purchase outdoor lights. While yellow is known to be a good color for having fewer bugs near, you should also make sure that you buy an LED light.

As bugs are not only attracted by the color, but also certain aspects of the light including the heat, UV, and wattage. So, make sure you count all these factors before you make your final purchase. To learn more about this in detail, be sure to read through the article!

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