6 Fixes For Sylvania Smart Bulb Not Resetting

sylvania smart bulb not resetting
sylvania smart bulb not resetting

The Sylvania smart bulbs are pretty durable and budget-friendly when compared with other options on the market. You will get the same color range and smart features at a much lower price, and setting up these bulbs is pretty easy. The only complicated thing about these bulbs is that it can sometimes be difficult to factory reset these units. You will struggle to follow the routine accurately, and many users report issues with the Sylvania smart bulb not resetting.

Usually, there isn’t an actual issue with the bulb, and owners are just not following the correct steps. So, here are some things to keep in mind when the Sylvania smart bulb is not resetting. Hopefully, you won’t have to waste more time trying to manage this unit.

Fixing Sylvania Smart Bulb Not Resetting

  1. Slow Down The Reset Routine

The first thing you need to do is to slow down the reset routine and then check the response from the smart bulb. You need to wait a few seconds before power cycling the light bulb again. If you go through the whole reset routine within a few seconds and quickly turn the light bulb off and on, then that will only create issues with the process.

So, you should allow the bulb to turn off completely and then turn it on again. Most of the time that should be enough to help you with the reset routine, and the bulb will start flashing a white color after the reset routine is done. You can slowly power cycle the bulb five times and then check the response from the Sylvania smart bulb.

  1. Try A Different Power Source

Sometimes, it is the power outlet that is at fault here, and you need to try a different power source to get ahead of these issues. If the voltage output from the outlet is not optimal and the bulb won’t turn on completely, then you need to find a different power source.

The bulb should be powered up with optimal voltage. Otherwise, you’ll remain stuck in the reset routine. So, you can rely on a multimeter to check the voltage output and then refresh the electrical connections to avoid these issues.

  1. Switch To A Standard Outlet

The use of a dimmer switch is always complicated, and you won’t be able to get the bulb to reset if it is connected to a dimmer switch as well. You need to cut off the power to the unit completely to complete the routine. The dimmer switch can’t be used to achieve that outcome as it slowly powers down the light bulb.

So, you should try switching to a standard outlet and then check the response from your device again. If the bulb is in good shape, you won’t have to worry about the same issues again. All you have to do is to power cycle the unit again five times and then check the response from Sylvania smart bulb.

  1. Check For Hardware Issues

There might be issues with the Sylvania bulb hardware which are not letting you go through with the reset routine. So, you should thoroughly inspect the bulb for possible damages and then call the dealer if the bulb is indeed damaged. He will provide you with a replacement if the warranty is still valid on your bulb. That way, you won’t have to waste time trying to fix the bulb yourself, and you won’t have to bother with the reset routine.

  1. Reinstall Bulb In A Different Fixture

It is also possible that the fixture that you’re using is not in good shape, and you need to reinstall the bulb on a different fixture to get the desired response. All you have to do is to find a fixture that is in good shape and then reinstall the bulb before you proceed with the reset routine. That should be it when it comes to resetting issues with the Sylvania bulbs as long as your bulb is in good shape.

  1. Ask Sylvania Support

You can also approach the customer support experts regarding this issue. They will provide you with more details on how you’re messing up the reset routine. So, if you want to avoid spending hours in the troubleshooting process yourself, make sure to contact the experts for help.

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