8 Troubleshooting Methods For Shark Robot Vacuum

shark robot vacuum troubleshooting
shark robot vacuum troubleshooting

The cleaning robot market has grown substantially over the past few years, with Roomba dominating this sector. However, several other brands like Shark cleaning have also joined the market with reasonably priced units that bring the same value to the owners. So, you won’t have to struggle much with your budget, and going with any of the models offered by Shark cleaning will serve you perfectly.

While it is true that no device is perfect, and you can run into programming issues with every smart unit, the problems with Shark Robot Vacuum are usually not that serious. You’ll be able to easily fix the unit yourself in most cases, and the following list on Shark Robot Vacuum troubleshooting will further improve your perspective on how to manage your cleaning robot.

Shark Robot Vacuum Troubleshooting:

  1. Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues

Just like every other smart device, you’ll run into connectivity issues with Wi-Fi not working. So, there is a good chance that you’ll run into similar issues with the Wi-Fi connection. Ideally, you’re aiming for stronger signal strength and minimal interference. That should be enough to address the majority of connection issues.

However, if the problem persists even after rebooting the router, you should check the channel bandwidth and update the Wi-Fi credentials one time. Make sure that there aren’t any special characters in the Wi-Fi credentials, and that should be enough to get everything in order with the Shark Robot Wi-Fi connectivity issues.

  1. Cleaning Robot Won’t Turn On

Sometimes, the cleaning robot won’t turn on, and there are a ton of things that you need to check to get the robot working perfectly. From the charging status to the defective battery, you need to narrow down on the problem with the smart unit. So, if you’ve had the unit for a while, let it charge completely and then check the response from the smart unit.

If the device doesn’t respond even after charging the unit for a few hours, then you need to get the battery replaced. That should be enough to get the unit active again, and you’ll be able to get a sufficient response from the cleaning robot.

  1. Charging Issues

Charging issues are also not that rare when you’re dealing with this smart device and are often related to ignored maintenance of the device. So, before anything else, you need to check the condition of the contact points. If the contact points are dirty or there is excessive dirt on the docking station, you need to clean up the system properly. Make sure that the power supply is optimal and the corroded connection points are not limiting the performance of the Shark robot vacuum.

Ideally, the unit will start charging properly once the contact points are cleaned. So, before you spend any more time trying to replace the battery or fix the position of the docking station, just clean up the connection points once. Hopefully, you won’t have to do anything else to fix these charging issues.

  1. Brushes Won’t Spin Properly

Another common issue with this unit is that the brushes won’t spin properly, and the cleaning performance will decline by a substantial margin. The only thing you can do in this situation is to check the bottom of the cleaning robot for clogged hair or obstructions. It is pretty common for hair to get warped around the brushes, and you need to remove this hair to get the ideal response from the cleaning robot. Hopefully, you won’t have to worry about much after fixing the condition of the cleaning brushes.

  1. Mapping Issues

Setting up the Shark robot vacuum can be a bit draining as you have to map the cleaning region from scratch. However, there are a ton of complaints regarding the mapping features not working, and if your unit is new, you should immediately reset the device. You won’t be losing out on any configurations, and cleaning up the unit should fix the performance of the robot mapping. So, simply go through the reset routine and try mapping the cleaning region one more time. Hopefully, you won’t have to bother with more solutions.

  1. Noise Problems

The frustrating noise from the cleaning robot can be pretty frustrating, and you will surely be annoyed when the robot starts to squeak after every few seconds. These noise-related issues are mostly caused by objects getting caught up between the wheels, and you might have to take apart the wheels and clean the axle to avoid these issues.

Most often than not, you will be able to avoid these problems by cleaning up the unit a few times every month. So, keep track of the Shark Robot Vacuum maintenance and then test out the noise problems one more time. Hopefully, you won’t have to worry about these problems again.

  1. Schedules Not Working

The schedules are pretty handy to help you get the house cleaned when you’re out at work. However, nothing is more disappointing than coming to a dirty house. So, if the schedules are not working even after going through all of these fixes, then you need to check the schedule configurations.

In most situations, updating the schedules should refresh the routine, but you might have to reset the device to address these programming bugs. So, judge the performance after changing the routines and then reset the device if the cleaning performance is not that good after a few days.

  1. Suction Motor Not Working

The suction motor issues can also affect the performance of this cleaning robot, and you might have to check for hardware issues when the suction motor is not working. In most situations, changing up the filters or cleaning out the bottom of the robot should get everything in order.

However, if the motor is indeed damaged, then you need to grab a replacement by claiming the warranty on your cleaning robot. That way, you won’t have to worry about fixing the hardware yourself, and the dealer will provide you with a fresh piece that will fit right into your smart system.

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