4 Fixes For Mirror Heart Rate Monitor Not Connecting Issue

mirror heart rate monitor not connecting
mirror heart rate monitor not connecting

With the advancement in the technological world, many new inventions have been made. The mirror heart rate monitor is one of them. It is a smart home device that helps you track your heart rate and have a healthy life by getting fit in your own home. At first, the device may look like a normal mirror. However, when you turn on the mirror heart rate monitor, you will experience a whole new world.

With that said, many people have often complained about the smart home device, with the most common being “Mirror heart rate monitor not connecting.” If you are also facing such problems, then we will guide you to solve them with ease.

How To Fix Mirror Heart Rate Monitor Not Connecting?

  1. Check The Strength Of Wi-Fi

The mirror heart rate monitor works by connecting to the app via Wi-Fi. If the strength of the Wi-Fi is not strong enough, the smart home device will not be able to connect and provide you with a monitoring system. Therefore, check the Wi-Fi strength of the network. Also, check the router to ensure that the internet is available. Next, check the strength of the internet by connecting it to the mobile. Count the number of signal bars shown on the mobile screen. If the bars are less than 3, it means that the internet connection is not strong enough to connect to the mirror heart rate monitor.

To solve this issue, turn off the router. Wait a few seconds and then turn the router back on. If the given solution does not work, then you can also try forgetting the Wi-Fi password on the mobile and then connecting the internet back with your mobile. It is also worth mentioning that you should keep the device close to your Wi-Fi router so that it receives the required signal strength.

  1. Update The Mirror App

The mirror heart rate monitor requires its app to function. First of all, make sure that you have installed the mirror heart rate monitor app on your mobile phone. If you are already using the app for some time and the device has started causing problems of connectivity recently, then it is highly recommended that you should check the app’s update.

To check the updates of your mirror app, follow the instructions given below:

  1. Hold the mirror app icon for a few seconds.
  2. A small menu will pop up.
  3. Click on the App’s info.
  4. Click on the updates.
  5. Check if there are any updates available. If yes, then simply update the app.

You can also check the updates of the apps by the following method:

  1. Open the app store on your mobile.
  2. Search for the mirror app on the search tab.
  3. Click on the app.
  4. Click on update the app.
  5. The app will be updated within a few minutes.

Once the app has been updated, click on the app and connect the mirror to the Wi-Fi.

  1. Check The Battery Of The Mirror

It is also possible that the battery of the smart home device is out of power. In such a case, the mirror will not be able to connect to the Wi-Fi as it will not have enough power to do so. Therefore, it is suggested to charge the battery of your smart mirror. Once the battery is completely charge, then try connecting the smart mirror to the Wi-Fi.

  1. Defective Mirror Heart Rate Monitor

In case, the mirror heart rate monitor is defective, the device will not be able to connect to the Wi-Fi. In such cases, there is not much that you can do on your own to fix the problem. Therefore, it is recommended to contact the customer support service.

The Bottom Line

The mirror heart rate monitor is an amazing smart home device one can own. However, it does come with some problems like every other smart device. We have provided you with all the possible solutions to your problem. We hope that you find our article helpful.

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