Meco Doorbell Chime Not Working: 6 Approaches For Fixing This

meco doorbell chime not working
meco doorbell chime not working

The motion detection and the night vision features from Meco doorbells are pretty amazing when you compare them with other brands like Kami. These devices bring an extensive range of smart features to the users, and you can personalize the Meco doorbell to best match your security needs.

While there have been no major complaints about the functionality of this doorbell, users do sometimes struggle to get the Meco Doorbell working with the chime.

The good thing is that you can still rely on some basic fixes to get the Meco system working again. So, here are some solutions to help you fix the Meco doorbell chime.

Troubleshooting Tips For Meco Doorbell Chime Not Working

  1. Check Chime Configurations

The chime configurations should be the first thing that you need to consider when the Meco doorbell is not engaging the system. It is too common for owners to set the chime on mute.

So, make sure to go through the chime configurations again and then turn up the volume for the chime. This should eliminate the problems in most conditions, and you won’t even have to bother with power cycling the device again.

  1. Change The Adapter Connected To Your Chime

Sometimes, all you need to do is to get an adapter replacement, and that will fix your chime. A defective adapter won’t only create power issues with the chime, but it can also give birth to fire hazards. So, you should grab a multimeter and check the response from the adapter.

Depending upon the warranty status on your unit, you can grab a replacement adapter for free. So, make sure to reach out to the dealer and inquire about the warranty claim process. Replacing the adapter will address all power issues, and the chime will start responding to input from your doorbell.

  1. Match Chime Model With Compatibility Guide

Even when there is nothing wrong with your hardware, compatibility issues between the chime and the doorbell can lead to the same situation. So, it is a smart idea to inquire about the compatibility of your mechanical or digital chime before going through troubleshooting steps.

If the chime is not compatible with your doorbell, then there is nothing that can be done to fix the Meco doorbell chime not working. You will have to upgrade the chime installed in your home for a unit that is compatible with the doorbell.

  1. Power Cycle Doorbell

A few users pointed out that the issue with the Meco doorbell chime is mostly related to minor programming bugs, and you will be able to fix the device after power cycling it once. So, try to remove all power connections from the doorbell and shut it off completely.

Now, just wait for a few more minutes and turn on the doorbell. This will fix the majority of issues with the Meco doorbell, and you will be able to secure a response from the chime. Make sure to also check the condition of wiring connections if you’re using a mechanical chime to further isolate the power-related issues.

  1. Reset Meco Doorbell

At this stage, you should just go ahead and reset the Meco Doorbell. Resetting the device will wipe out every configuration or programming-related bug in your smart unit. So, if you’re sure that there are no hardware issues in the system, resetting this device should fix everything. Once the doorbell has reset, you can hook it up again with the chime and then test the response. Ideally, your problem will be fixed here, and you won’t have to engage the dealer for a replacement.

  1. Call Meco Customer Support Department

On the other hand, if you’re still stuck in the same issue after the reset, then there are either wiring problems, or your doorbell is defective. In both cases, calling an expert from Meco customer support is your best option. It is not wise to waste your time isolating the issue yourself. So, if you’re not a certified technician, just call the experts and have them help you with this smart doorbell.

Overall, the chime should start working after you fix power and programming-related bugs. So, hopefully, you won’t have to bother with more solutions after fixing the adapter and power cycling the doorbell.

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