5 Easy Solutions To Ecobee Error 1020

ecobee error 1020
ecobee error 1020

With so many brands to choose from when looking out to buy smart solutions, you can often get confused about which option you should go for. Ecobee is one of the most popular companies that provide various smart devices aimed at helping users automate their smart houses.

Unfortunately, a couple of users have been experiencing trouble with their Ecobee device as they have mentioned being unable to get any communication through the Alexa, SmartThings, and Ecobee app. According to them, they get an error message stating a 1020 error code when they try to log in to their Ecobee website. If you are also experiencing something similar at the moment, then this article should be of great help to you! Here is what you should know:

How to Fix Ecobee Error Code 1020?

  1. Re-configure the Devices

One of the first things that you can do if you run into any such problem is to try and re-configure all of your devices. More specifically, you will have to filter out all the devices that are not able to get any communication on your Ecobee device.

In order to restore all the settings to factory default, you will have to perform a full reset on these devices. This should help wipe out any settings stored inside these devices. Similarly, once these devices have been successfully reset, you will have to fully re-configure them. It is also worth mentioning that re-configuring these devices might require you to have a look at the user manual.

  1. Checking Your Network

Another thing that you can do if you are having trouble trying to log in to your Ecobee website is to check your network. There’s a good chance that you might be facing some sort of network problem which could be causing this.

To check whether you have a fully working internet connection, you will have to run internet speed tests. Similarly, another thing that can cause the website to suddenly act up is to have a VPN running. If not, then we recommend you try using a VPN. Oftentimes, sites are actually blocked due to which you will need a VPN in order to access any such site.

Likewise, another thing that you should most definitely check is whether there is a firewall that might be causing issues with the site’s ability to work. If that is the case, then you will have to make sure that you make an exception for it.

  1. Use Another Browser

In case the error appears when you are trying to log into the site, then chances are that your browser might be what is causing the issue. To fix this, try using another browser. Alternatively, you can also try clearing out the cookies and other related settings and configurations in your browser.

  1. 3rd Party Interruption

It could also be that a 3rd party app is a culprit behind the website’s error. You can further confirm this by checking all of your installed extensions on your browser. We recommend that you try disabling each and every extension just to be on the safer side. If disabling the extensions didn’t work, then you can try looking for any other program that might cause your website to act up.

  1. Seeking Professional Help

If you still hadn’t had any luck in resolving the issue so far, then the only other thing that you can do is to get in contact with the support team. They should have a better idea on why you are getting the error code along with the things that you can do which should be able to get rid of it.

The Bottom Line:

Getting the Ecobee error code 1020 can be pretty annoying to deal with. However, issues like these can be troubleshot by simply applying a few steps. In order to learn more about getting rid of the error code, we strongly advise referring to the article above. Doing so should help you get a better chance at fixing it!

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