6 Solutions For Coredy R750 Not Connecting To Wi-Fi

Coredy R750 Not Connecting To Wi-Fi
Coredy R750 Not Connecting To Wi-Fi

Coredy R750 is known for its larger dust bin and improved battery timing. However, the reviews are not too great when it comes to setting up the unit initially. You’ll run into a ton of bugs while trying to configure the Coredy R750 unit. A common issue that most owners have to face is Coredy R750 not connecting to Wi-Fi.

If you’re in the same shoes and Coredy R750 is not connecting to Wi-Fi, then here are a few things that you can do to get ahead of these connection issues. Hopefully, you won’t have to bother with replacing the unit, and it will connect to your home network in no time.

Fixing Coredy R750 Not Connecting To Wi-Fi

  1. Reboot Your Router

Rebooting the router is the best method when it comes to eliminating minor connectivity bugs when you’re trying to set up a new device. There is a good chance that there is nothing wrong with your network configurations, and a quick reboot will get everything in order.

So, remove power from your router for a few minutes and then turn it on. Try connecting the Coredy R750 with your router one more time, and it should pair without further complications.

  1. Check Wi-Fi Credentials

Sometimes, it is the Wi-Fi credentials that create connection problems with the Coredy R750 unit. If you’re using special characters like a dollar sign in your network credentials, then you should try removing these characters. Your Wi-Fi username and password should only contain simple alphabets and numbers.

Updating the Wi-Fi credentials will also remove other connected devices, and you’ll have to set up everything from scratch. So, keep that in mind as you’re changing the Wi-Fi credentials as all other devices will stop responding until you connect them with your router again.

  1. Change Channel Bandwidth

The channel bandwidth has to be limited to 2.4 GHz, and you can’t connect the robot to a 5.0 GHz network. Even if you’re using a dual-band router, it is a good idea to either turn off or change the credentials for the 5.0 GHz channel. That way, your smart cleaning robot will be able to connect with the 2.4 GHz channel only.

Once the connection is successful, you can turn on the 5.0 GHz channel on your dual-band router. Hopefully, you won’t have to run into the same complications with Coredy R750 connecting to the wrong unit.

  1. Check Range & Limit Interferences

Make sure that the distance between the router and the Coredy R750 is less than 40 ft. Ideally, you should try to keep the router within the 30 ft range, but the device won’t be able to connect when the range is above 40 ft. The connection can also be hindered by the presence of too many wireless accessories in the same region.

So, you need to bring the router closer to the Coredy R750 unit and then check the connection one more time. Make sure there are no extra devices connected to the router, and then check the response from your Coredy system again.

  1. Reset Your Coredy R750 Unit

At this point, you’re better off resetting the Coredy R750 unit back to factory settings. This will wipe all progress up to this point, but you’re not left with that many options. So, if the unit won’t respond even after trying out all of these methods, just reset the robot back to factory settings. That should help address minor programming bugs, and you’ll be able to connect to the network without further complications.

  1. Try A Different Network

You can further choose to rely on a different mobile device and a new network to connect with your Coredy system. This will help you narrow down the possibility that you’re in possession of a defective unit. If the robot doesn’t work even after changing the mobile devices and the network, then you need to call the dealer.

There is a good chance that you’re dealing with a defective robot, and you can demand a replacement from the official Coredy dealer. The professionals will help you with a quick replacement if the claim is indeed valid. So, make sure to reach out and seek their help on this issue with Coredy.

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