3 Great Alternative To ActionTiles

actiontiles alternative
actiontiles alternative

You can think of ActionTiles as a panel that you can connect to your SmartThings to have better access to the smart devices connected with the SmartThings Hub.

The ActionTiles interface makes it so much easier for users to access different devices using the display panel. You can control cameras and cycle through different devices. Overall, it is one of the best addons for your SmartThings Hub.

However, if you can’t get your hands on ActionTiles or want to try out other devices in its place, then here are some recommendations that can prove to be a viable alternative to ActionTiles.

ActionTiles Alternative

  1. SharpTools.io

The best alternative for ActionTiles is the SharpTools.io dashboard. Just like the ActionTiles, this panel can be mounted on your wall and you can sync almost all of your SmartThings devices with this panel to access them remotely.

In terms of features, you won’t miss out on anything and some users also say that in some ways, ShartpTools.io can prove to be better than ActionTiles. So, if you can’t get your hand on ActionTiles then this smart panel will suit your needs perfectly.

The one thing that is unique about this panel is the automation rules that can be set using different devices.

You won’t have to worry about coding anything but rather you just have to define different routines and the panel will follow through the routines along with the devices that are part of the routine.

The interface is simple and you can cycle through different devices that you have synced with the panel. This includes the smart camera and other media devices along with weather updates.

  1. ThingsTwin Dashboard

This dashboard can also work with SmartThings and gives you a bird’ view of the layout of your apartment. Like the ActionTiles dashboard, you will also get real-time synchronization with all of the smart devices that you have connected with ThingsTwin.

That means you will see the current status of different devices and have the power of controlling all the devices in the ThingsTwin lab. The interface of this dashboard is just as easy to browse through and you can manage multiple devices without difficulty.

However, this dashboard lacks in one area and that is media playback. Even though you can manage different smart devices like lights and switches, it can still be difficult to achieve the playback settings for your smart cameras.

So, if you were looking for a dashboard that allows you to do that then the ActionTiles and SharpTools might be the better pick for your need. After configuring the layout, you can add different devices to the floorplan and everything becomes so much easier to control.

  1. HousePanel 

This might not be the best alternative in terms of a friendly interface for you but it gets the job done. The only thing that is complicated about this device is the setup procedure. Even though it is open-source, people just don’t want to bother with managing different aspects of this dashboard.

However, once you get everything set up and the complete layout of your home is recorded according to the instruction then you can access the HousePanel features quite easily.

This project is mainly designed to attract developers so that they can help other community members in managing their smart devices using a dashboard. Like the ActionTiles, this dashboard can work with SmartThings and all of the devices that you have linked with the hub.

So, you don’t have to worry about any compatibility issues if you’re using this dashboard. For users that can’t find the SharpTools or the ActionTiles, it can be a great option because there are many detailed guides and tutorials available that can guide you through different steps of the setup procedure.

These were a few alternatives that you can choose if you can’t get your hands on ActionTiles. However, there are still a few drawbacks to some of the options mentioned here and it would be best if you can use the ShartTools.io dashboard.

As that will provide you with an identical experience without having to go through the difficult steps of setting up the layout or spending hours syncing devices with the smart panel.

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