7 Reasons Why Your Ring Solar PathLight Is Not Working

ring solar pathlight not working
ring solar pathlight not working

Ring solar path lights are a part of the smart lights products line. They are reliable outdoor lighting solutions to keep your property beautifully illuminated while strengthening your security ring.

As they work on solar energy, they are also budget-friendly. To have a full advantage, one must keep their lights working in the best form. This article will list some of the most common reasons your ring solar pathlight is not working.

We will also give you easy solutions to address them quickly at home without requiring technical skills.

Why Has My Ring PathLight Stopped Working? 

To know what has gone wrong with the device, you must know the main components of solar path lights that keep them working. These are solar panels, batteries, sensors, and LEDs.

Faults in any of these central units may cause your device to operate less effectively or halt its function entirely.

Solar Panel is an essential part of solar lights; it directly captures the sunlight and transforms it into electricity.

The batteries store this electricity later by powering LEDs to generate light. 

Any damage to solar panels, accumulation of dirt, water residue over them, or improper positioning can cause the path light to stop working.


Similarly, suppose the battery is one of the faulty components that has stopped your path lights from working. In that case, it could be due to them being wrongly inserted, not recharged enough, or they may have completed their life.

Likewise, the three sensors; that detect motion senses light intensity, and darkness can be at fault too. 

Lastly, although LEDs have a very high life span and can last up to Fifty thousand hours (roughly six years), testing them does not harm if you can’t find why your path lights stopped working.

Ring Solar Path Light Is Not Working

  1. The Secured Pull Tab 

The pull tab is an insulator secured on most newly purchased batteries. It is specifically designed to prevent the batteries from energizing before use and protects them during shipping and storage.


Since it is an insulator, your battery won’t energize even if it is placed under the sun, and the path light won’t start working.

Solution: As easy as it may sound, pull the tab off your battery, insert the battery back in, and your path light will start working!

  1. Check Switches And Microprocessor

It may sound insane, but many people don’t even know their solar lights have a switch on/off button (a few models may not have it).

Also, there are chances that someone, especially kids, who are fond of playing with the switches, has mistakenly turned it off and, as a result, the path light stopped working.

Solution: If the switch is turned off, you would have to turn it on; if turning the switch on doesn’t solve the problem, try using the classic switch on/off the trick. 


You would have: Take a damp cloth, neither too wet not too dry, and thoroughly lean the panels. Make sure to be gentle and do not use any cleaning detergents, as they may damage the panel surface and reduce efficiency.

  1. Dead Batteries

So although the battery in the ring path lights is rechargeable, people tend to forget that they have a maximum lifespan of a year.

Over time the battery charging capacity reduces before they become entirely faulty, and that’s when path lights stop working.

Solution: Deep Charging

Sometimes batteries are not charged enough to power light. Try the 72-hour charging technique in this case.

All you would have to do is to switch your solar lights off and place them in a sunny spot for a couple of days before you switch them on again. Test your rechargeable batteries in any other battery-powered device.


If that device doesn’t, too, it is time to replace the batteries. However, ensure the new rechargeable batteries have the same voltage and capacity as the old ones.

  1. Nearby Light Sources At Night 

Sensors in solar lights are responsible for automatically turning on the lights when it gets dark. When sensors detect no light is surrounding them, they light up the LEDs.

However, other nearby sources of light around path lights fool the sensors making them think it’s still morning. So sensors won’t allow the solar lights to work.


Solution: Adjust the sensor on the path light by turning the knob so that the light turns on in the presence of the amount of light you require your path lights to work.

Eliminating challenges from the surrounding will also help path light to resume functioning if they have stopped working due to excessive lights.

Concluding Thoughts

Above mentioned 6 points are the most common reasons why your ring path lights stopped working and how you can fix them.

Since different models may have various causes, if the previously mentioned tips don’t seem to work, try contacting your manufacturer and using that warranty card.

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